
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Freedom through Devotion

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Such a feast of cosmic delightfulness shines for us these summer nights! The past two nights, Moon has been with bright white Jupiter in the southeast, and will still be quite close tonight even as Moon’s visit with bright red Antares draws near (dude, that’s not Mars). By Wednesday night, the Fullness of the the […]

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Discovering and Crafting a Life

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The past two nights, Moon visited Venus in the​ west after sunset for the 4th vestment, conferring a protective mirrored amulet for our hearts, one that reflects the world back to itself, rather than our taking everything in and living as the reflection! Knowing our own hearts brings us to a Moment of Transformation […]

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Integrating Embodiment and Perception

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, In this Year of Integration, we’ve now entered the Moon of Integration (on Wednesday), ushered in by the Moon visiting Saturn on Thursday before dawn, and the Moon about to visit Mars tomorrow (Sunday) before dawn. This brings a very strong stabilizing and solidifying force. Notice your growing inner strength amidst all […]

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Serpent Portals Open the Flow

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Last week, Uranus moved into Taurus for its initial foray, sparking our awareness of ways we’ve not been free, and creating a revolutionary impulse that will play out over many years around money, values, & havingness, as well as our spontaneous enjoyment of the pleasures of embodiment. We’re just beginning to get to know ourselves anew […]

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Revolutionizing our Humanness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in the midst of an activating release around what it means to be Human! There’s a party in Taurus to show us how to have a good time and let this be an amazing experience! What do you love most about being embodied?! Mercury showed up first (earlier […]

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Herman Pearls EEs cropped

Storming into the Liberation of Our Humanness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Anyone else awake until around 2am last night, when the Moon and Mars in Capricorn rose? I could tell it was going to be one of those nights… Resistance is worse than futile! The theme of shifting habits around how we approach action and doing seems to be coursing through… Storm […]

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Liberating Storm Brings Growth

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 11 ~ The Moon of Liberation. This is a time of letting go of what got us here, but no longer serves us as we move to the next level, a time of noticing, dissolving, and releasing what’s become dissonant, a time of liberation! We begin on a Seed day, […]

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Actively Bridging Worlds

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Big shifts going on these past few days, as I’m sure you’ve noticed! You may have also noticed that positive potentiality abounds!​ This has all been happening as Jupiter in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (exact yesterday, but drawing in the past week and around for another). We’re being invited (none […]

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Skywalking into What Is

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today we move on from the new beginning that was initiated early February through yesterday. Take a moment to notice and acknowledge what new ways of taking action and living what you believe have begun. Now, we enter the realm of refining and clarifying that new beginning. Mars and Saturn are right together so the hard work continues, […]

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Real Hard Work

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, You might have noticed this past week that we’re being asked to work really hard! And, that the work is making things real in the world, and making each of us real in new ways! Mars is approaching Saturn in Capricorn, and will continue to drawn nearer this coming week. So, […]

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