Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight into tomorrow, Dark Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini, offering conversation with the beyond human as our guide. This New Moon also brings us to the Chinese New Year, beginning the Year of Yin Wood Snake ~ deep dark mysterious unknown, whispered shedding of old skin, potentiality […]
Archive | Cosmic Updates
Attuning to Night
Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 7 ~ The Moon of Attunement. See waxing gibbous Moon with Jupiter tonight! High upon the mountain peak of this Storm Wizard Balancing year, deep within the cave of Night, a maturing experience of attunement dreamingly stories us into Living Freely. Meanwhile, tomorrow, the Lunar Nodes […]
Dog Loves Night
Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, In this deepening into winter time, here comes 13 days of Dog, inviting us to play in the snow, meeting life with, and as, love, before curling up by the fire. Balancing play, work, and rest is the learning. Exact today, Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, for […]
Meeting Well
Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are on Earth, invited to continually meet the world beyond our selves, as our selves, in an intimate balancing dance. Over Saturday night into Sunday, Full Moon in Gemini shines with Jupiter nearby, amidst a Geminids meteor shower! Be sure to go out and say hello! Also, on Sunday, […]
Seeding Selfhood
Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in the midst of a portal of growthfulness, ripening and maturing us, inviting us to learn to live freely, offering us an experience of organic selfhood, as Seed. This deepening into the dark, merging with the great yin field, time of year, is for planting the seed of […]
Selfhood Crafting
Greetings Keeper of Time, This Moon 5 ~ Moon of Selfhood begins Friday, on a 1 Monkey day, with Uranus at opposition, rising as Sun sets, electrifying the moment. 1 Monkey happens to be the midpoint of this 260-day Tzol’kin round of Living Freely (which began in late July), the moment of transformation. Embodied Form […]
Perceptually Transforming
Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This weekend we’re turning our attention from embodying the open serpent portal infusing us with vitality, toward Mirror, and shifting our perceptual reality, transforming by freeing our minds and hearts to live freshly arising reflections rather than calcified insistences. Also this weekend, Pluto and Mars in opposition potentize encounters […]
Intensely Embodied Remembrance of Freedom
Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Yesterday and today, as we’ve entered the Moon of Form, free form Humaning has been ripening and maturing us through our authentically meeting Life inside of this storied moment. Initiating tomorrow, for the coming 13-days, dynamic Serpent moves down and in, opening a portal of intensely embodied remembrance of […]
Storming into Humanness
Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The energies of this week’s New Moon in Libra w/ Mercury Annular Solar Eclipse linger, highlighting reciprocal relations & courting communications. Early this evening, Waxing Crescent Moon visits Venus as Evening Star in the West to confer a 3rd vestment ring of power. Willingly engaging stirs powerfulness. Amidst this […]
Third Thinging
Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion, in this Storm Wizard Balancing year! Vitalizing communion with Life comes through Worldbridging, living on the threshold between, that bridges both, third thinging. Autumn Equinox (this Sunday) is a time for gathering together along the riversides, singing back and forth across the waters, as we […]