Greetings Keeper of Time,
We’ve ripened enough to meet the tidal waxings and wanings, the face-changing phases of Moon, initiating us into the liberating realm of Magic.
Today’s Full Moon in Sagittarius shines its divinatory light upon our journeying. Meanwhile, the positive potentiality of Venus & Jupiter coming together in Taurus, sextile Neptune in Pisces, beckoning and beaconing us into embodiedly loving and living, harmoniously, in the vast unfolding Universe. Ahhhh
Then, unseen in the underworld, but certainly felt, Venus (today) and Jupiter (Saturday) move into Gemini, starting a ”liberating release through conversing with changeability” party. We’re invited to stay steady and slow in mature emergent action, enjoying the pleasures of embodiment, and from this place, to be in conversation with everything and everyone, as we meet the emergent ever-changing moment… Curious and interested is enough!!
This Moonth ends as the Moon wave ends (on May 29th), a very clear moment of liberating completion, punctuated by Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries, as we continue to deepen into moving and orienting in a slow, mature, actively engaged, emergent way.
Hear more in my Moon 11 Podcast.
Happy Liberating Release through Conversing with Changeability,
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