
Freedom through Devotion

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

Such a feast of cosmic delightfulness shines for us these summer nights! The past two nights, Moon has been with bright white Jupiter in the southeast, and will still be quite close tonight even as Moon’s visit with bright red Antares draws near (dude, that’s not Mars).

By Wednesday night, the Fullness of the the Moon will shine with yellowish Saturn. Saturn is now at opposition, rising as the sun sets, and shining its brightest of the year. Reddish Mars can be seen getting brighter and brighter in the South in the​ hours before dawn. And, unmistakably bright white Venus graces the west in the early evenings.

On Tuesday, Mars in Aquarius, the planet of action & embodiment turns its attention inward for two months. This is a time for re-grouping around our action orientation as we move to more deeply re-integrate our sense of freedom & independence. Be an original! Go back and work on your craft, the craft of being you. Immerse yourself in fully embodied action! But don’t​ try to push things forward or start new endeavors.

On Wednesday night, we enter Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom. As we do, Monkey points at the Full Moon in Capricorn shining with Saturn at its brightest, exhorting us to find freedom in the serious play of crafting a life! Ironically, true freedom comes through dedication to what’s ours to do. This matures us and imbues us with actual authority. Notice what​ you are responsible to and for, and freely take on this responsibility with total devotion!

Hear the fuller story in my Moon 13 podcast.

Happy Freedom through Devotion,


Learn Wood Carving!
Basic Carving Project Day – THIS SATURDAY, June 30th

Knife skills, sharpening, and working with the grain of the wood
Still a few spots open. So much fun and learning!

Upcoming Stargazing Opportunities – Near Sebastopol
Evening of Stargazing, Sat, July 14th
All Night Stargazing, Sat, Oct 6th

Essence Elixirs
Buy4Get5 (coupon code). Free shipping in the US.
Highly Recommended for these times:
Strong Medicine
3 Pearls 


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