
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Here Comes the Sun

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, just after sunset and into the gloaming, very low in the west, the slightest sliver of Moon visits Venus (newly returned from the underworld) for the 1st vestment, handing over root chakra robes amidst the portal of a freeing storm, with nearby Mercury surely having something to say about it! This is a time for each […]

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Wizard Hands Make Real

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The birth of taking action in new ways, in effortlessly magical ways, and from new places in our bodies and beings, this week becomes even more Hands-on.  Notice what’s now becoming real in your life, and in your being, out of the actions you’ve been taking, and how you’ve been taking them! We can now begin to see, tangibly, […]

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Wizard Takes Action, Effortlessly

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re still getting going on this journey of being in action in new ways, of living what we believe more fully. Wizard invites us to do this effortlessly, with trust in our capacity to meet the moment, that everything we need is present in this moment! This new way of being in […]

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Dragon Nibbles the Sun

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today brings a New Moon in late degree Aquarius, which becomes Dragon nibbling the Sun in a Partial Solar Eclipse (1:05pm PST). Half the Sun will be eclipsed, visible in Antarctica and southernmost South America, so this is definitely on the more subtle side. This arrives during the​ Dragon wave, here in the​ Moon of Action, a time of birthing new ways […]

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Action ~ Living What We Believe

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in the final days of the Star wave, a time of ripening into the magic of living by the guidance of the stars. Tune in to their storied, rhythmic dance… I hope you’re​ still lapping up the recent Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo energies imbuing us with self-love, enthusiasm for life, and creative enjoyment!! Moon now moves along […]

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A Star Is Born

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Join me TODAY at a cozy local Book Fair, Sat Jan 27th 11am–5pm. At 1:30pm, I’ll be reading from a storied stargazing book I’m writing! And, I’ll have a table with my essences and calendars all day. West County Herb Company Event Space, 3641 Main St, Occidental, CA. Free!​ Yesterday, we entered the 13 days of the […]

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Seeing Transforms Us

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This week, our new ways of seeing and perceiving, and the visions that have been emerging from our depths, take on greater tangibility and reality, they begin to transform us and our earthly experience, as Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon is waxing toward a Total Lunar Eclipse at the coming Full Moon in Leo […]

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Deeply & Solidly Attuning

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, These days, our sense of self and deservingness of love and havingness are being invited to transform, amidst the joining of Sun, Venus, & Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury also enters Capricorn this week, joining with Saturn astrologically, together visible low in the east-south-east before dawn. This is some serious foundational, structural, and maturational concentration! Time to take ourselves and our lives seriously, to grow […]

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Deep Breath… and Exhale

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We ring in the Gregorian New Year tonight by the light of the giant glitter-ball nearly Full Moon, watching it reach the heights at the mid of night then slowly drop. Astrologically, the Moon is in Gemini tonight (until just after midnight on the West coast), but will reach fullness tomorrow night […]

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