Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
Eagle flies on the Wind’s upswell, from the mountain top into the sky, the magic of flight bestowing spaciousness and perspective for the seeing eye. With no planets retrograde, we’re turning that eye toward what’s to come, and seeing anew.
With all the Capricorn energy in play, this New Moon seeding brings austere visioning with a practical eye, that drops the seed from a great height. Its growth comes through taking active responsiblity.
Midflight, a new transit is showing its face for the first time, as Jupiter in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. Positive potentiality abounds for deep feeling shifts that involve structural expansion & taking our own power, with a high level of intensity!
For the next few weeks, in this Moon of Attunement, pay close attention to what frequencies you’re tuning in to. What we’re attuned to, we’re embodying and living. There’s plenty of static and manipulative messaging making a play for our attention. Make sure you’re dancing through life to some good tunes!!
Tomorrow before dawn, see Moon with Mercury and Saturn very low on the eastern horizon.
Hear so much more in my Moon 7 podcast.
Happy Attuning to a New Vision of Structure and Being Responsible,
p.s. I’ll have a table with my essences and calendar at a cozy Book Fair in Occidental, CA on Sat Jan 27th 11am–5pm. Stay tuned for details!
An Evening of Stargazing
Saturday, Jan 20th, 6:30–9pm
Starting to fill up! Kids are welcome
Datebook 2018
A colorful and curvaceous week-at-a-glance calendar for 2018 (January–December), showing the day signs, numbers and waves for each day.
Reading Your Cosmic Map: An Astrological Adventure
Coming in February! Click this link to get on the interested list.
Essence Elixirs
As usual, buy four get five. Free shipping in the US.
Highly Recommended:
Total Eclipse of the Heart, This, Cosmic Fabulousity, Restructuring, and Today ~ All the Way.
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