
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Bridging Motion

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Now, we move from the Moon of Relatedness & Challenge to the Moon of Motion (my favorite!). We’re still in the wave of Worldbridger, dying to who we’ve been, residing in the liminal zone, the the threshold between worlds. Meeting both sides, surrendered in humility, ​we become the third thing, joining the Heavens […]

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Meeting the Challenge of Freedom

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This has been a week of Moon dancing cheek to cheek with Jupiter, and then, last night & tonight, Saturn. They’re bracketing the Milky Way, one each side. With Jupiter riding Antares, the heart of the Scorpion (Dude, that’s not Mars) and Saturn above the handle of the Teapot (the pulled back arm […]

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Virgo Harvest of Freedom

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in the later days of the Sun wave and ripening this realm of new beginnings that birthed us into some greater experience of freedom in mid-July.  Just a few hours from now comes the New Moon in Virgo, a tight-knit Virgo gathering of Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars! This is as personal as it […]

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Hand Holds a Fiery Ball of Light

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Through Thursday, we’re in the last days of Moon 1, the Moon of Purpose, in this Wizard Originating Year! We continue to originate from, sense our purpose, and draw in what​ we’ll be working with for this whole year.  Potent shifts abound in this Hand wave, particularly with Venus and Sun in Leo opposite that Full Moon […]

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Hands Move with Playful Purpose

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We continue with the Hand wave, and are still in the Moon of Purpose in this Wizard Originating year. We’re in the midst of learning how to do things (shaping, crafting, healing, accomplishing) ​in a different way and from a different place in our beings, more effortlessly and shapeshiftingly ​flowing with what’s wanting to unfold. ​ Two big time planet​s […]

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Wizard Hands with Purpose

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, How’s the beginning of this Wizard year & journey going for you?  We’re approaching the last days of the 13-day Wizard wave that’s introducing us to the operating principles and themes of this new way of living.  I’ve been in a deep wizard retreat, and day by day find myself learning to let […]

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Wizard Originating New Year Podcast

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This Friday, July 26, 2019, we enter a new calendar year. This Wizard Originating Year begins a new 13-year Wizard journey, initiating a time of learning to shapeshift in meeting the moment, with greater ease, while trusting ourselves and the unfolding of life!  Wizard Originates, journeying well, inspiredly embodying the flowing fiery […]

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Wizard New Year Approaches

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in the final days of the year, and this year the last of a 13-year journey. Can you feel the approach of an ending, even alongside the sense of new beginnings? The 13-year Moon journey comes to a close on Wednesday, and so too our journey of learning to live rhythms & cycles.  At […]

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