
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Storied Love Warrior Attunment

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, I woke before dawn this morning to see the Summer Triangle of stars brightly shining​ and Mars riding the heart of the Scorpion! This is what​’s arising in the​ east these days (Jupiter too, very low to the​ horizon, who I’ve not seen yet due to trees). So too, in us, Warrior energy, the respectful presence ​of embodied strength and intelligence, is arising. And, […]

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Solid New Story

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Wahoo & Wow is my newest expression for the magnitude of the new reality experiences I’m having all day every day. How’s about you? I feel so stretched, often have no idea where I am, and am noticing a strengthening and becoming more solid amidst all this Capricorn energy […]

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Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow morning we enter the Moon of Attunement as Dog howls with the breath of freedom under the barely eclipsed, shadowed by Earth, Full Moon in Cancer, shining opposite Sun huddled with Mercury, Saturn, & Pluto in deep winter Capricorn. A saving grace is Moon’s watery flowing trine with Neptune in Pisces. We’re […]

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Coming Home

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, I pause in my outpouring of lengthy and indepth cosmic updates that these times have asked of me, to encourage us all to take a breath. Exhale. Inhale. Next weekend brings a Full Moon in Cancer Penumbral Lunar Eclipse with Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury on the Sun in Capricorn […]

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Loving This

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, Crescent Moon shines with Venus in the west just as darkness falls, conferring the 3rd vestment, a ring of power, the power of the freedom and willingness to love.​ This is not the ideal of love or romantic love, this is tangible lived love.  And, tonight is the eve of […]

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Grounding in This

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to this time of the return of the light as we move on from the Winter Solstice, which brought the Sun to the Capricorn work party (joining Jupiter, Saturn, & Pluto). The tangible, practical work of grounding ourselves in This, in what​’s real, as we meet the world, as we meet […]

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Balancing As We Go

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The growthful Seed wave has continued transforming us as our newly being liberated Wizard self meets the world beyond the self. We’ve now entered Moon 6, the Moon of Balancing. This is not a static thing to achieve​ balance but a continual motion in meeting Life and moving with Life as our selves, balancing […]

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Spontaneous Expression of Our Uniqueness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today, Jupiter (newly in Capricorn) is exactly square Chiron in Aries, and is drawing into a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Translated, there are a couple layers of expansion going on, one through internal tension and another through flow. Internally, there’s something being activated regarding our wounds around self-expression […]

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