
Spontaneous Expression of Our Uniqueness

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

Today, Jupiter (newly in Capricorn) is exactly square Chiron in Aries, and is drawing into a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Translated, there are a couple layers of expansion going on, one through internal tension and another through flow.

Internally, there’s something being activated regarding our wounds around self-expression and assertion. This tension is resolved through taking action in living our gifts through spontaneous self-expression. This is so much the energy of Riding the Elephant I spoke of in my last cosmic update!

Flowingly, we’re being invited to enjoy the pleasures of embodiment, to trust the expression of our uniqueness and the personal revolution we’re undergoing. And, most importantly, to trust the timing of this unfolding!

The Seed portals continue in this Moon of Selfhood as we transform growthfully into a new experience and expression of our selves. The end of this week we’ll move into Moon 6 and meet the world was our new selves.

Hear more in my Moon 5 Audio Calendar Podcast.

Venus is with Saturn low in the southwest early evening, closest on Wednesday. Jupiter can be seen just above the horizon as it heads toward the underworld. Mars can  be seen before dawn, higher up in the east with Zubenelgenubi! The Full Moon in Gemini later this week will drown out most the Geminids meteor Shower that peaks Friday/Saturday.

Come out and play at the Winter Solstice Goddess Craft Faire, TODAY, 11am to 7pm, Sebastopol Community Center. My newest Essence Elixirs are making their debut and getting rave reviews!

Received ~ for receiving life while being received by life​

Riding the Elephant ~ for swaying, rooted, power & presence

You can also order online: Free shipping in the US. If you want to stock up (Essence Elixirs make unique gifts!), I have a special deal: Buy4Get5 (coupon code) or even Buy8Get10.

Inviting 2020 is coming soon. This course, process, and way of living, offers a practical approach to being in deep conversation with life. More details coming in a week!

Happy Spontaneously Expressing Your Uniqueness,



Order a 2020 Datebook, for a delightfully magical, storied, curvaceous, and colorful week-at-a-glance version of my calendar, runs Jan–Dec 2020,

Or Special Bundle SALE: 2020 Datebook & Wizard Originating Year Calendar, SAVE 20%.


Sebastopol Winter Solstice Goddess Craft Faire
THIS WEEKEND Dec 7 & 8, 11am-7pm
Sebastopol Community Center.
I’ll have a table and be sharing my Essence Elixirs, 2020 Datebook, and Wizard Originating Year Calendar.


It’s Ancestor Tracking Sessions time! GET TO KNOW YOUR ANCESTORS! I’ve been doing tons of delving and finding of the ancestral peoples and places of many folks as of late. So powerful to connect with and get to know the stories of the people and places we’re literally made of!


Essence Elixirs
Riding the Elephant


Buy4Get5 (coupon code).
Free shipping in the US.


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