
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Bridging Worlds

Greetings Keeper of Time, For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been Skywalking our way into the new year, being invited to meet and live our lives as an unfolding journey exploring space and time, rather than an intentional quest to get what we think we want. I’ve found myself journeying quite a bit into […]

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Taking Ourselves Seriously

Greetings Keeper of Time, Happy Almost Gregorian Calendar New Year! Seriously, this January 1st New Year is a big one, a very real demarcation initiating a new cycle. As I said in the Moon 6 audio, this is not so much a light-hearted dance-party vibe of a new year. It’s more of a mature, quiet, […]

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Gifting Time

Greetings Keeper of Time, Venus is shining in the west, now at its brightest, early evenings for another month before disappearing from the evening sky. Tomorrow night, Thursday, the Crescent Moon will join Venus, conferring the 8th (and final) vestment of Venus, the Soul Star. If you stretch your arm and hand above your head, […]

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We Are Makers

Greetings Keeper of Time, How’s the selfing of your new form going? Do you feel a deep sense of familiarity amidst the revolutionary newness? It’s a revelation, and yet, we’ve know this is who we are all along. Now, we begin the Hand wave. Its time to live this new self all the way into what we […]

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New Email Sending Service

My emails are now being sent through iContact from my email address. You may need to check your Bulk/Promotions/Junk Mail folder or settings and drag the email into your Inbox / Primary so it knows these Cosmic Update Emails are wanted! The last email I sent arrived in MY Bulk Mail box! You can […]

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Forming Our Wizard Selves

Greetings Keeper of Time, What a time of transformation these past few weeks! Can you articulate yet what new form has been birthing in your being? Now we’re moving into refining our new beginning here in the Wizard wave, in Moon 5 ~ the Moon of Selfhood. It’s time to come to know ourselves in […]

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Birth of a New Form

Greetings Keeper of Time, Can you feel it, the imminence of a major revolution in your form of being? Are you so ready!?! It’s time… The coming week or so promises to be one of the most potent opportunities for profound change of this entire year! For the past week, with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio […]

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Independent Vision

Greetings Keeper of Time, The next few nights are ripe for gazing upon and being dazzled into greater aliveness by the beauty of the sparkling heavens! This evening (Sunday), just as it’s starting to get dark, if you have a view low to the west, you might glimpse Saturn (above) and Mercury (below) with the […]

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Moon Dancing

Greetings Keeper of Time, Looking up at the Fullness of the Moon and feeling your connection with those you love, who might be far away watching the same bright Moon, you’re participating in the Chinese Moon Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival. A fitting way to move from Moon 2 ~ the Moon of Relatedness into Moon […]

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