
Moon Dancing

Greetings Keeper of Time,

Looking up at the Fullness of the Moon and feeling your connection with those you love, who might be far away watching the same bright Moon, you’re participating in the Chinese Moon Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival. A fitting way to move from Moon 2 ~ the Moon of Relatedness into Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion…

Can you feel things getting moving? There’s an energy and impetus these days. Let it roll…

Positive momentum comes from engaging with what calls out to be attended to… Saturn in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, in mutual reception, as Pluto goes direct. It’s like a transformational house swap, where Saturn takes responsibility for cleaning and organizing the basement and making it into a more creative space, while Pluto redoes the foundation.

The Autumn Equinox rides in on the Wind wave as the Unseen breezing through our lives, whispering messages in the rustling of trees. Breathe in. Listen. Breathe out. So too, what we sing, and say, sets things in motion, soon to come into form.


Last Call for Time Traveling 101…  Our first call is Thursday the 26th and there’s some Learning to Calendar Journey to do before the call. So, all aboard who’re coming aboard to journey together through the potent eclipse birthing of a new form in the months to come!


Early evening, low in the west, Saturn & Venus are still dancing close… Ahhh, the beauty of maturity, of the dignity of taking ourselves seriously, and developing the capacity to be masterful in expressing our potency.


Happy Moving,

Stargazer Li


You can comment or tell YOUR Moon Festival story, or whisper your messages, below!


I say so much more about this time in my Audio Calendar Podcast for Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion.
Listen Here
Here’s a Video and Two Audios for Learning the Calendar (we use these in my Time Traveling 101 course):


Order your Calendar for this new Earth Seeding Action Year that began in late July! 


2 Responses to Moon Dancing

  1. laura September 20, 2013 at 5:29 am #

    I literally organized my entire basement yesterday…. I love your updates! So insanely right on. xo

  2. Amy September 20, 2013 at 4:23 pm #

    Last night’s moon pulled me out of bed 3 times… Or was it the gravity of the father and teen son push n’ pull? Either way, I followed the moon out to the yard or let her travel all night across my west- facing bedroom windows. Tired but understanding sides better.

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