
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Embodying Human Freedom

Greetings Keeper of Time, The waxing Moon is approaching Saturn tonight, and will be very near tomorrow (Sunday) evening. The bright red star below and a bit east of Saturn is Antares, the red heart of the Scorpion, or as those who’ve stargazed with me know, “Dude, that’s not Mars.” Venus draws ever nearer to Jupiter. They’ll be […]

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Greetings Keeper of Time, Did you see the Crescent Moon beneath Venus and Jupiter last night? Tonight, the Moon is even closer, next to Jupiter (the less bright of the two). You can see them all in the west early evenings. Venus is the brighter and lower of the two planets. The star Regulus is just a bit […]

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Stargazing with Li

Greetings Keeper of Time, Have you been watching Venus draw closer to Jupiter night by night? Keep watching for the next several weeks! You can see them in the west early evenings. Venus is the brighter and lower of the two. The star Regulus is just a bit to the left (south) of Jupiter. Next Friday the 19th […]

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Integrating What’s Important

Greetings Keeper of Time, Anyone else been profoundly challenged and required to just focus on what’s truly important in life, and let go of the usual? This has been changing my thinking and how I communicate, and inviting me into a quieter more spacious place. We’ve been Skywalking, journeying in “what is” as we follow divine […]

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Interested in Knowing

Greetings Keeper of Time, This evening and tomorrow evening, the Crescent Moon will be with Venus in the west, conferring the scepter, the 6th vestment of Venus, associated with the third eye and pineal gland. This is a time of taking up your sovereignty, particularly in relation to living the rhythms of day and night, of seeing and loving. […]

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Letting Go

Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re well into Moon 11, the Moon of Liberation, and it’s been so liberating, I haven’t even written to let you know we’ve shifted and that the Moon 11 Audio Calendar Podcast is available! That’s how it’s been the past week (in case you hadn’t noticed). So, if you’ve been feeling like […]

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Expressing Wizardry

Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, early evening in the west, you can see the Crescent Moon just above the nearby red star Aldebran, the eye of Taurus the Bull, and both are just to the left of Venus. This is the 5th vestment of Venus, initiating the putting on of a necklace and attending to our throat […]

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Birthing Maturity

Greetings Keeper of Time, This week, we’re in the final days of an era, a process that’s been heating things up and breaking them down culturally and in our personal lives that’s been unfolding for over three and half years, sparked by the Uranus in Aries square of Pluto in Capricorn. On Saturday April 4th, […]

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The Beauty of Free Love

Greetings Keeper of Time, Did you finally get some sleep last night? You may tonight as well… Nothing like a massive solar flare hitting earth, plus the 7th pass of Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Carpricorn, and a Total Solar eclipse over the past week to amp up the energies beyond our nervous system […]

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Tonight’s the Third Vestment of Venus

The Crescent Moon is with Venus and Mars tonight in the west just as it’s getting dark. Venus is super bright, Mars is pretty faint. Let your Venus light shine as you receive the Moon’s blessing, with your Mars as a quiet witness. This is the third vestment of Venus, vesting the third chakra. Put […]

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