Greetings Keeper of Time,
The waxing Moon is approaching Saturn tonight, and will be very near tomorrow (Sunday) evening. The bright red star below and a bit east of Saturn is Antares, the red heart of the Scorpion, or as those who’ve stargazed with me know, “Dude, that’s not Mars.”
Venus draws ever nearer to Jupiter. They’ll be closest on the evenings of June 30th & July 1st (the night of the Full Moon). A sight not to be missed! west early evenings. Venus is the brighter and lower of the two planets. The star Regulus is just a bit to the left (south) of Jupiter.
Notice what unexpectedly arose in your life and consciousness the past week… That was the Jupiter Uranus trine offering you something that could spark and crystallize your unique creative epxression in the times to come!
Today, we entered Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom, and the last Moon in this Dragon Moon Realizations Year. And, it’s a 7 Serpent portal day, the peak of the Storm wave that’s been activating us the past week. Now, we bring this new energy into our bodies, allowing its vitalizing dance to move us into experiencing freedom.
Then the Human wave begins on July 4th, independence day to some fittingly enough, so the theme is Human Freedom! We’re free to be truly Human, which is not like what we’ve been told! This is being cosmic Humans, the meeting of earth and sky, in continual communion with the all-that-is, while in authentic connection with each other and all of Life.
We’re responsible for embodying our Human Freedom!
Hear more in my: Moon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast
As we approach the new year, I’m starting a new round of my Time Traveling 101 Course. This is the next step for Podcast Listeners if you’re ready to: embody authentic presence, notice and acknowledge what’s emerging, and trust and work with what’s wanting to unfold! You’re invited to join us on this adventure!
Happy Freeing Your Humanness,
Stargazer Li
Happenings on the Horizon
All Night Stargazing NEW NEW DATE
Saturday August 8th
(postponed from June 20th)
Come learn nearly the entire starry sky in one night!
Come for a few hours of stargazing, and transform your relationship with the night sky forever!
Both these events are open to adults and kids.
Friday July 10th, outside Sebastopol, CA (Waiting list)
Saturday August 15th, in Ashland, OR
A good array are Now Available for purchase
at the dhyana Center in downtown Sebastopol
My Blog is where you can always find my Cosmic Update Emails, Audio Calendar Podcasts, and more…
Stargazing Li,
Can you go to my website and listen to The River? Also watch the video of that song? It is directly influenced by what you said to me!!!
Good to see you doing your thing!
Jessica Star,
So good to be in connection again. I remember your writing of The River, and so many of our adventures in the Dragon’s Lair!
So good to see you still doing your thing with such exuberance…
Be well,