Greetings Keeper of Time,
Did you see the Crescent Moon beneath Venus and Jupiter last night? Tonight, the Moon is even closer, next to Jupiter (the less bright of the two).
You can see them all in the west early evenings. Venus is the brighter and lower of the two planets. The star Regulus is just a bit to the left (south) of Jupiter. The Moon will be very near Regulus on Sunday evening. Keep watching for the next several weeks as Venus gets closer and closer to Jupiter!
This visit of the Crescent Moon with Venus is the 7th vestment of Venus ~ the Crowning. With all this happening astrologically in Leo, and even the Regulus-starred heart of the Lion nearby to be blessed as well, this is a time for expanding our embodiment of dignity and magnificence, for expressing our Cosmic Fabulousity!
Speaking of which, Jupiter trine Uranus is exact this weekend, just as we enter the activating Storm wave! The unexpected, spontaneous creative connections and opportunities, and expressing our uniqueness can crystallize our experience of greater freedom in the times soon to come.
Hear more about this Crowning Energetic Storm in my latest:
Moon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast
A new website for Podcast Listeners, my Time Traveling 101 Course, and those who are Living It is coming very soon!! Stay tuned…
Happy Crowning,
Stargazer Li
Happenings on the Horizon
All Night Stargazing NEW
Saturday July 11th
(postponed from June 20th)
Come learn nearly the entire starry sky in one night!
Come for a few hours of stargazing, and transform your relationship with the night sky forever!
Both these events are open to adults and kids.
Friday July 10th, outside Sebastopol, CA
Saturday August 15th, in Ashland, OR
Time Traveling 101…
Class starts in July.
This is the next step for podcast listeners.
New Essence Elixirs for New Times!
Really Awefull and Showing Up have arrived.
As always, Buy 4 Get 5.
My Blog is where you can always find my Cosmic Update Emails, Audio Calendar Podcasts, and more…
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