
Moon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 12 ~ the Moon of Integration ~ in this Dragon Moon Realizations year.

May 30, 2015 through June 26, 2015

Download or Listen Here:
Moon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast

My Time Traveling 101 class begins soon. This is the next step for Podcast listeners…

View the Moon Spiral while listening:
Moon 12 Handout

As you’re listening to the Podcasts, viewing the Dragon Moon Realizations Year Printed Calendar will greatly enhance your experience!

I invite you to share and read stories of this Moon’s Journey below…

2 Responses to Moon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast

  1. Michael Baer June 23, 2015 at 2:42 pm #

    Hello Li,

    You are fabulousity personified! I just listened to the second half of your moon podcast 12 and it left me feeling SO connected. Summer solstice storm initiation and the 3rd trine of Jupiter Uranus were magical and mystical and powerful. It’s awesome to reflect that what you were recording 3 weeks ago, about the present moment 3 weeks hence was aligned and in tune to an impeccable degree.

    You must be an advanced time traveller. I am so grateful for YOU!

    Journey on Storm Sister,


    • Li July 11, 2015 at 2:28 pm #

      Thanks Bear!

      I have been at this a while. The universe speaks in story and learning to read is very worthwhile in making sense of and meeting this life well.

      Glad to be of service to you,


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