
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Cosmic Relatedness

Greetings Keeper of Time, In the early evenings this coming week, toward the southwest you can watch brightly shining and reddish Mars move between Saturn above and the star Antares the heart of the Scorpion, “Dude that’s not Mars!” below. As the weekend approaches and arrives, you can glimpse Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury together low in the west […]

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Flying High in the Shooting Stars Sky

Greetings Keeper of Time, Just a few more days of the Wind wave, as we breathe in spirt and become inspired and inspiring… then on Thursday, Eagle takes wing, lifted by wind, to fly high and soaringly see our purpose for this year, which is related to seeing from a new perspective. Just then, the Moon […]

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Cosmic Love

Greetings Keeper of Time, Happy New Moon in Leo today! This lunar cycle engages our creativity and enthusiasm, so let yourself do what inspires you, and enjoy! Also today, Mars moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius, so our will and physical umpf emerges from where it’s been hidden in the deep as we begin to pull […]

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Storming into the New Year

Greetings Keeper of Time, Today, the year comes to a close in this modernized Mayan time cycles blended with astrology and the sky-story calendar from which I divine and speak… Then comes a day between the years, tomorrow’s Day Out of Time, on a 10 Mirror portal day in the Moon wave, offering the possibility of […]

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Moon Magic

Greetings Keeper of Time, Having visited Mars and then ridden the heart of the Scorpio with Saturn the past two nights, tonight the waxing Moon fords the Milky Way river at the center of our galaxy. Be sure to go out and say hello! Saturn and Mars are just a relaxed horn of time each to […]

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Presencing Respectfully & Powerfully

Greetings Keeper of Time, Did you catch the lovely Crescent Moon with Jupiter last night in the west? They’ll be fairly near again tonight before the Moon heads toward the south and a rendezvous with “still bright but losing its luster” Mars later this coming week. Speaking of Mars, that thwarted feeling from the past […]

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Freedom Arises from the Deep

Greetings Keeper of Time, At the moment, Jupiter in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn is whole-heartedly lending grounding transformational and integrative power to the emerging story being offered from our depths. Trust the journey it brings… Monday this story carries us into Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom, the final moon of this 13-Moon […]

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Embodying a New Story

Greetings Keeper of Time, The Moon will be shining with so bright and reddish Mars tonight (Thursday). The Moon will be between Mars and Saturn (near the shoulder of the Scorpion) on Friday evening, and then will be ever so close to Saturn on Saturnday evening. Be sure to go out and say hello! Look to […]

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Integrating Expansive Tangibility

Greetings Keeper of Time, Feeling a bit restless last night and this morning? The New Moon in Gemini with the Sun and Venus brings mental stimulation and activation, and likely some challenge in focusing that energy, that will be played out over the coming two weeks as the Moon waxes toward full. This alignment also completes an astrological Mutable Grand Cross with Jupiter […]

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Earthing Potently

Greetings Keeper of Time, I’ve been more quiet with the​ cosmic updates this spring as I’ve been traveling around teaching stargazing and essence making and taking, with more to come the next few weekends, and then it’s calendar writing time… I’ve also had some ideas for new ways of sharing how to continually SHIFT as a way of life. But, with […]

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