
Archive | Cosmic Updates

The Brightest of Moons

Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight (mostly, and tomorrow night too in North America), we’ll see the brightest Full Moon in nearly 70 years, as the Moon is just a little closer to us than usual. It’s a super super moon. Astrologically, the Moon is in Taurus, so we’re invited tobe moved to enjoy the pleasures of […]

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Conceiving a Skywalking Seed Journey

Greetings Keeper of Time, Today, in more ways than one, is the conception of a journey to come, a seed sparked into germination… In this calendar storying, today is a 12 Seed portal day in the Skywalker wave. The next new year in this calendar (July 26, 2017) will be on a 12 Seed portal […]

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Journeying with Our Ancestors

Greetings Keeper of Time, These early evenings, Venus as the Evening Star in the west is proceeding in an exultant yet stately manner between Saturn and the heart of the Scorpion (Antares, “Dude, that’s not Mars.”), joined on Wednesday by the Moon who confers a Mirrored amulet upon Venus’ heart, the 4th vestment. Reflect upon the […]

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Shining in the Deep

Greetings Keeper of Time, Venus shines as the Evening Star in the west after sunset this week blessing the head of the Scorpion, while Jupiter emerges more brightly in the east before dawn communing with Porrima, the heart of the Goddess. We entered the Sun wave on Saturday, which also brought the Full Moon in […]

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Venus Receives a Ringing Endorsement!

Greetings Keeper of Time, Venus shines as the Evening Star in the west after sunset, climbing higher each night. This week, Venus shines with Zubenelgenubi, one of the claws of the Scorpion! The waxing Crescent Moon will come by early evening Sunday Oct 2nd and Monday Oct 3rd, conferring Venus’ ring of power, as this […]

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Good Day to Be a Wizard

Greetings Keeper of Time, The balance has tipped us into a balancing dance this autumn time of year. This more subtle way of being is inviting us to move with relaxed grace and ease, as Wizards shape-shifting to met the moments… Let be what wants to be, and embrace, in a lived sense, who you are yearning […]

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Wizards On The Move

Greetings Keeper of Time, What a time it’s been the past few weeks!! We’ve been plunged into the primordial soup of unfocusedness and lack of clarity amidst the demand for being solidly present and taking action. It’s been a raw time for many, with big upheavals and lots of unknowns. In the process, newness has been […]

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Living the Gift of Uncertainty

Greetings Keeper of Time, The Moon has been in the vicinity of Mars the past few nights, and now continues to move further to the east as it waxes toward fullness. Venus is rising higher and getting brighter in the west after sunset, and next weekend will be with Spica, the seed jewel in the […]

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Birthing A New Relatedness

Greetings Keeper of Time, Venus is climbing higher and getting brighter in the west after sunset just as it’s getting dark. Tonight, Venus visits Porrima, the Goddess’ heart, then we move into tomorrow’s Dragon wave that births a new 260-day round of waves. Arriving here in Moon 2, the Moon of Relatedness, we have come to a […]

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