
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Sparking New Life in the Oceans of Our Being

Greetings Keeper of Time, A New Moon in Pisces solar eclipse is happening as I write this morning (visible in the deep southern hemisphere, mostly over oceans), with Neptune standing by to deepen the oceanic vastness that is opening before us and within us. Find your way to receiving this as an invitation to commune intuitively […]

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Living What We Believe

Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re solidly in the Moon of Action, selves in motion, being challenged to live what we believe (not just talk about it). Venus and Mars in Aries continue to closely relate as we take passionate action here in our lives on Earth, and starting midweek as we enter the Dog wave, more and more focusing […]

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Action Arises from What We’re Attuned To…

Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight into tomorrow, we’re moving from the Moon of Attunement into Moon 8, the Moon of Action! Over the past four weeks we’ve recevied a major dosing of whacked bullying energy of epic proportions! And, the question and challenge has been, how do we meet this moment? What do we energetically […]

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Seed Sprouting

Greetings Keeper of Time, Last night into today, the New Moon in Aquarius brings in the Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster. Take this as a wake up call to action.This will be a year of “getting up and at ’em.”  Furthering the story, and giving us a sense of some strutting going on, Mars […]

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In the Augur

Greetings Keeper of Time, It’s interesting to me that we’re in the midst of the Monkey wave during this inaugural  marching time, this dance of the trickster! Did you know that “inaugural” comes from augur?! This is the initiation of a time for divining, for reading the omens, for speaking what we notice. We are the […]

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Attuning to Curiosity

Greetings Keeper of Time, The past two nights, I’ve been able to look out and see stars, after so many nights without them! Ahhh, the dark of night and sparkle of stars, is there any better medicine? We’re at home in the cosmos if we but open our eyes and remember! Now, the brightest of winter stars […]

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Go Direct!

Greetings Keeper of Time, Good news! Mercury goes direct tomorrow (Sunday) morning, after a few weeks of being retrograde! As of late and for a few days more, Mercury is doing this pirouette in alignment with the galactic center, so we’re being invited to attune our thinking and communicating to the much larger perspective of the […]

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A Serpent Portal Beckons

Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to the first day of Moon 6 ~ the Moon of Balancing, of meeting the world beyond our selves, as the Full Moon in Gemini shines brightly for some and is cloud-hidden but whispering loudly for others… This is a Stormy day for living the learning of a couple weeks […]

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Wabi Sabi

Greetings Keeper of Time, Have you noticed that the past month has been super challenging around your experience and sense of self?! Offness extraordinaire! We’ve had the (perhaps not so welcome) opportunity to see how WE actually show up as annoying, entitled, whiny, critical, and immature jerks. Through a great humbling and storm of selfhood, […]

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Gratitude Amidst the Storm

Greetings Keeper of Time, Our newly developing selves are experiencing an energetic activation that’s establishing new neural pathways in our bodies as we Storm into Selfhood in this Moon Storm Liberations year’s only Storm wave. Tomorrow we enter the 13-day Storm wave, an energizing and catalyzing time, inviting us to let go of and move beyond what’s clearly […]

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