
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Meeting Challenge Well

Greetings Keeper of Time, Intense enough for ya? We’re in the midst of the Serpent wave with it’s 10 portal days in a row (5 more to go). This ongoingly open portal connects us directly with more dimensions than usual, which has a majority intensifying effect. This portal has to do with our experience of […]

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Humans Living Powerfully in Relatedness

Greetings Keeper of Time, What a profound journey and unfolding began this year (since July 26th)! What was activated by the heartfully-inspiring Total Solar Eclipse will continue to be strongly present in our lives for many months and even years to come… Welcome to Moon 2 ~ the Moon of Relatedness and Challenge, which began this past Wednesday. Human […]

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Dragon Swallows the Sun aka Total Solar Eclipse

Greetings Keeper of Time,   Tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday before dawn in the east, the waning Crescent Moon joins Venus for the 5th divestment. This is a moment of more greatly owning and living our creative force, even as we hand over our third chakra ring of power.​ This may be good preparation for the particular themes of […]

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A Purposeful Storm

Greetings Keeper of Time,   I’ve been deep in New Mexico these past couple of weeks, bridging worlds by hanging out on the threshold in the liminal zone. This is so related to my, and our, invited purpose for this coming year. To be Skywalkers Seeding Integration, we need to be able to let go of and die to who we’ve […]

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Skywalking into Freedom

Greetings Keeper of Time, We’ve made a new beginning these past couple of months, each of us in our own ways reaching the next level. Today, we enter the Skywalker wave, beginning the refining of this new beginning through living the journey of its way.​ This is a time of adventurous cosmic dimensional possibility exploration beyond the cosmic gateway. This is […]

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Tangible Humility Arising

Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, we traverse the threshold of worlds by the light of the Full Moon in Capricorn with Pluto. This is tangible, deep transformation territory. This is taking ourselves seriously, having some dignity along with our humility, dying to who we’ve been, and welcoming the arising of who we’re becoming territory. Hear more on the story of these […]

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Let the Sun Shine

Greetings Keeper of Time, Now, the clouds part and the face of the Sun comes out in full radiance, generously bestowing warmth and light, that all might grow and flourish. Shine your light freely, without holding anything back. Be the center around which life orbits. On Wednesday night, you can see the waxing Moon visiting Saturn […]

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Crafting Freedom

Greetings Keeper of Time, We’ve been crafting and shaping this past week, beginning to integrate new ways of being and experiencing life through How we do What we do. Now, we reach out our Hands and open the cosmic gates into the All That Is, and enter Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom (this coming […]

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