Now, the clouds part and the face of the Sun comes out in full radiance, generously bestowing warmth and light, that all might grow and flourish. Shine your light freely, without holding anything back. Be the center around which life orbits.
On Wednesday night, you can see the waxing Moon visiting Saturn in the southeast, near the center of our galaxy.
Then on Friday, attune to the world-bridging Full Moon in Capricorn with Pluto. We’re asked to die to old ways that we thought needed to be how and why we did things. Freedom comes from being dedicated to what’s ours to do, and doing it! Along the way, this deeply transforms us, into strong, worthwhile beings. Allow the foundational re-structuring of your being. Sweet freedom!
Hear more on the story of these times in my Moon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast.
We’ll enter the Skywalker wave on July 15th, the wave that will carry us into the new year… So, a very cosmic and dimensional journeying year is about to unfold! Join me in stepping into the Skywalker wave through a night under the stars!!
Summer Stargazing Intensive – Saturday July 15th – Sebastopol, CA
Happy Shining,
Stargazer Li
p.s. I’m currently writing the calendar for next year! Here’s a Skywalker Seeding Integration Year Calendar pre-order link, for those you who are eager to have it in your hands in mid-July.
Upcoming Stargazing Opportunities:
Sebastopol Summer Stargazing Intensive – July 15th
Lake Sonoma Stargazing Campout – July 26th
Point Arena All Night Stargazing – July 29th
Sebastopol All Night Stargazing – September 23rd
An Evening of Stargazing (kids welcome) – October 14th
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