
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Loving What Is

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We continue to journey in the Moon of Manifestation, maturely meeting What Is. On Saturday, Sun moved into Taurus, initiating a time of embracing the pleasures of embodiment for the coming month. Venus moved into Aries, with vigor, and now joins with Chiron the Wounded Healer/Teacher​, inviting us to step more strongly into loving self-expression (here in this Dog wave).  Tomorrow (Monday), Sun and […]

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Play with Your Dogs

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here in the​ Moon of Manifestation, we’re living What Is, perhaps more maturely than ever before. Yesterday, began the 13 days of the Dog wave, a time for hanging with friends and doing what we love.  There is an undercurrent of simple goodness to this time.  On Tuesday, Mercury moves beyond Pisces (after […]

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Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, If you’ve been watching Mars in the west early evenings (not shining very brightly), you may have seen them near the Pleiades just a week or two ago. Now, you can see Mars near Aldebaran (the red eye of the​ Bull), at the tip of the V of stars making the Bull’s face.  Tomorrow […]

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Dreaming Real Love, Growthfully

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Mercury dances slowly and intimately with Neptune in Pisces through the next week or so. A dreamy pleasurable vagueness in repose becomes more intuitively creative and emergent as Mercury turns direct on Thursday. We’re stallion the midst of the string of Seed portal days here in the​ Moon of Realization, so organic […]

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Seeding Realness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We continue to journey in the Moon of REALization, as we transform and become real in new ways. Today is the last day of the Monkey wave, a day for playfully living our new real story, in freedom.  Tomorrow (Monday), we begin the 13-day Seed wave, which contains ten intensifying portal days. There’s a potent […]

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Keep Monkeying Around

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re still in the Monkey wave for the next week, here in the​ Moon of REALization, so keep being playfully curious and discovering what the Universe has in mind. This is a transformational zone for living our way into a new reality.  Are you noticing how it’s more possible to actually […]

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Monkeying Around

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Another moment of transformation is upon us, over the next few days (they’ve seemingly been showing up fast & furious for eons now).  Coming in the final few days of the Moon of Action, suggests this transformation is around how we move in the​ world and live what we believe​.  Weaving in the theme of Form from this 260-day […]

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Heartfelt Mirroring

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The Mirror wave continues in this Moon of Action, bringing an ongoing perceptual shift around how we take action and live what we believe​. With the Wounded Healer/Teacher Chiron newly arrived in Aries for a long stay, ​we’re being invited to cease compulsively acting from our places of wounding and more maturely live our gifts in a fully embodied way. On Saturday before […]

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Serpent-Danced Warrior Gazes in the Mirror

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are, liberated Eagles taking flight on the last of ten Serpent portal days, where we’ve been danced into a sensual and sensory experience of being infused with cosmic energy.  Tomorrow, we emerge from the portals to integrate this energy into a greater Warrior presence and embodiment. We’re met by the Wounded Healer Teacher Chiron striding […]

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Poetic Sensiblities Meet Bold Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Mercury moves into into Pisces today, and hangs out the​re until mid-April. This is a long time for Mercury to stay in one sign (more than three times as long as usual). This is due to a retrograde coming in early March. The thinking and communicating function of Mercury in the diffuse, watery-soul sign of Pisces […]

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