Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
We continue to journey in the Moon of REALization, as we transform and become real in new ways.
Today is the last day of the Monkey wave, a day for playfully living our new real story, in freedom.
Tomorrow (Monday), we begin the 13-day Seed wave, which contains ten intensifying portal days. There’s a potent fertility to this transformational time. Seed grows, changing forms from seed, to sprout, to plant, to flower, and to fruit that feeds another seeding, each ripening in its own way amidst the open portal of transformation that is real life. Let go into the seeding and sprouting of realness! Seed knows what to do and when, organically.
On Wednesday, Equinox Sun rises in Aries with Chiron the Wounded Healer/Teacher and that night Full Moon rises in Libra, full orbs shining through the doorways of the year house and upon the emergent and growing plants. The time for living our gifts with embodied strength, vigor, and graciousness is upon us!
Hear more in my Moon 9 podcast.
Mercury is still retrograde in Pisces until the 28th, so allow extra time for things where timing is important, and for dreaming, reading, and restorying!
Mars still shines in the west early evening. Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter shine in the predawn eastern sky.
Happy Seeding Realness,
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Order this week as I’ll be away teaching the following week.
Spring Stargazing Intensive
Saturday May 4th, 6-11:30pm
Stargazing, plus walking Stumphenge, learning the horizon calendar, and twirling our bodies to learn how the Sun and stars move through the year.
The house I rent has still not sold, so we can perhaps slip in another stargazing before the field is gone…
Ancestor Tracking Sessions
Learn how to do ancestor tracking, by watching how I approach the searching and finding.
We create your Family Tree on Ancestry(.)com, begin to find and attach records and photos that tell the story of your ancestors, and reveal seemingly forgotten earlier generations too! Online via Zoom or In Person.
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