
Monkeying Around

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Another moment of transformation is upon us, over the next few days (they’ve seemingly been showing up fast & furious for eons now).  Coming in the final few days of the Moon of Action, suggests this transformation is around how we move in the​ world and live what we believe​.  Weaving in the theme of Form from this 260-day […]

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Heartfelt Mirroring

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The Mirror wave continues in this Moon of Action, bringing an ongoing perceptual shift around how we take action and live what we believe​. With the Wounded Healer/Teacher Chiron newly arrived in Aries for a long stay, ​we’re being invited to cease compulsively acting from our places of wounding and more maturely live our gifts in a fully embodied way. On Saturday before […]

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Serpent-Danced Warrior Gazes in the Mirror

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are, liberated Eagles taking flight on the last of ten Serpent portal days, where we’ve been danced into a sensual and sensory experience of being infused with cosmic energy.  Tomorrow, we emerge from the portals to integrate this energy into a greater Warrior presence and embodiment. We’re met by the Wounded Healer Teacher Chiron striding […]

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Poetic Sensiblities Meet Bold Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Mercury moves into into Pisces today, and hangs out the​re until mid-April. This is a long time for Mercury to stay in one sign (more than three times as long as usual). This is due to a retrograde coming in early March. The thinking and communicating function of Mercury in the diffuse, watery-soul sign of Pisces […]

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Attunement into Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are in the waning days of the Moon of Attunement, coming to know our selves as Human in new ways. In support of this, a new Renewal essence has emerged and is ready to share! This essence, made of the Full Moon in rainwater just moments after the recent Total Lunar Eclipse, has a […]

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Moon 8 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 8 ~ the Moon of Action ~in this Earth’s Moon Freedom YearFebruary 7 through March 6, 2019 Download or Listen HereMoon 8 Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening:Moon 8 Handout   Purchase a PDF Calendar for this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year to see the whole story and follow along […]

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Attuning to Our Humanness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, I hope the Total Lunar Eclipse was amazing for you in all the best ways! I made an essence of the refreshed and renewed Moon just as the eclipse ended, gathering rain water and then gorgeously clear moonlight! The new essence is called Renewal, and has such a lovely strong gentleness and […]

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Red Moon Creative Gifts Attunement

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight is a Total Lunar Eclipse, visible throughout the Americas and parts of Europe (should you be fortunate enough to experience clear skies). Red Moon, colored by all the sunrises and sunsets on Earth (which is between​ Sun and Moon), is closer to Earth in its cycle too, so this is a […]

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Moon 7 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 7 ~ the Moon of Attunement ~ in this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year January 10 through February 6, 2019 Download or Listen Here Moon 7 Audio Calendar Podcast THIS IS AN EPIC HOUR LONG EPISODE, MAJOR NEWNESS HAPPENING View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 7 Handout   Purchase a PDF Calendar […]

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