
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Living In Mystical Union

Greetings Keeper of Time, We’ve been in the Warrior wave as of late, moving from the Moon of Attunement into Moon 8, the Moon of Action, of living what we believe. As Warriors, we’ve been invited and sometimes challenged to more fully embody and presence, to ripen into living our strength with greater dignity. Mercury in […]

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The Full Moon and Jupiter

Greetings Keeper of Time, That bright shining one near the Moon tonight (Monday) is the planet Jupiter. You’ll see how far the Moon moves night to night if you measure their distance apart tonight, as tomorrow night (Tuesday) the Full Moon shines with Jupiter! Then on Wednesday night, the Moon will be by the bright star Regulus […]

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Time for ReVisions

Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow night, Wednesday, the Crescent Moon will be to the right of Venus and above Mercury in the west at dusk. This is the second vestment of Venus; time to put on our girdles or belts to support and strengthen our second chakras as we embody flow. This is a very Aquarian […]

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Re-Attuning to a New Story

Greetings Keeper of Time, The story for 2015 seems to be much less of the dissonance and dissolving of last year, and much more a time of integrating creativity and the making of beauty into our earthly experience. Rather than making your wishes or list of wants, consider noticing and acknowledging what life seems to be […]

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Stabilizing & Ripening

Greetings Keeper of Time, Happy Winter Solstice and New Moon in Capricorn! On this day we’ve also entered the Earth wave. These energies all have to do with maturing and ripening through steady, stabilizing activity. This is a time for practical focus on tangible earthly existence. Our growth from these past weeks now gets to settle in […]

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Growthful Uprising

Greetings Keeper of Time, The intensity is peaking these days as the new selves we’ve been discovering rise up and grow into truly meeting and engaging with the world beyond ourselves.   The calendar story is of the Seed wave and string of 10 intensifying portal days that we’re in the midst of, carrying us from […]

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Discovering Our Selves

Greetings Keeper of Time, The way potent energies, the shedding and revitalizing, of the Serpent portals from the past couple of weeks are behind us, and now we look into the Mirror and upon deep reflection, remember who we are, birthing a new self-perception and identity. This weekend we’re moving into Moon 5, the Moon of […]

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Mastery in Human Form

Greetings Keeper of Time, This weekend we moved into Moon 4, the Moon of Form, and so in the coming weeks, what’s been emerging now begins to take tangible shape in our bodies, beings, and lives. Since we’re in the Human wave, the invitation is to come into human form in a new and more true […]

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An Activating Storm

Greetings Keeper of Time, This week begins a major reset that will continue for several weeks. Review, revise, re-approach, renew! This is the activation of you moving and relating from the depths your authentic beingness…  Today we begin the 13-day Storm wave, so you know this is an energetic activation! Get stirred up and invigorated in all the […]

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Moving Freely

Greetings Keeper of Time, Now that we’ve all been sufficiently challenged, and are learning to simply journey with and through what arises, things are about to really get moving… If you read this tonight, look on Saturday before dawn in the east and you may be able to glimpse the loveliness of the waning Crescent Moon with Jupiter. […]

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