Greetings Keeper of Time,
The way potent energies, the shedding and revitalizing, of the Serpent portals from the past couple of weeks are behind us, and now we look into the Mirror and upon deep reflection, remember who we are, birthing a new self-perception and identity.
This weekend we’re moving into Moon 5, the Moon of Selfhood, and so in the coming weeks, the new form that’s been emerging now begins to inform our sense and experience of self.
The Sun and Moon move together into Sagittarius on Nov 22nd, and on that same day, Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn pulls within 1 degree, where they’ll stay until early April! This time brings internal tensions that will build in the coming weeks, strongly urging a fundamental revolution in self-expression, even as an unbounded enthusuiasm liberates us to freely seek the living of our authentic selfhood.
To truly live free, we must become our selves.
On Nov 25th, the Monkey wave beckons us to follow our curiousity and playfully explore what gives meaning, which becomes our journey of self-discovery. This is not a time to figure out who you are, but a chance to discover who you are. Have a good time!
Hear way more in my Moon 5 Podcast…
For you night owls or very early risers, Monday night into Tuesday morning, you might catch more shooting stars than usual as we’ll be at the peak of the Leonids meteor shower with a waning moon, best well after midnight. By the way, that’s Jupiter shining so brightly in the east late nights!
Enjoy Discovering Your Self,
Stargazer Li
2015 Datebook ~ Now Available!
A week-at-a-glance, colorful and curvaceous datebook with the signs and numbers for each day that you can use as a journal, appointment book, or planner. Bust out this magical book when it’s time to see what wants to happen when! Plus, those around you will be intrigued and invited IN to the magic… I always sell out, so order soon if you want one!
For those long winter nights when you might not want to stay out all night under the stars, but still want to learn and come to know the Sacred Hoop, the Bull, the twins, Orion, the Dogs, the Lion, and so many more…
Essence Elixirs and Planetary Essences
Truly Blessed is highly recommended…
Buy 4 Get a 5th, shipping in the US included.
These make excellent holiday gifts!
And, can shift holiday gathering energies in fun ways…
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