
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Ride Your Arrow to the Stars

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, I saw bright white Jupiter shining this morning around 6am in the east (toward the​ south), next to the claw of the Scorpion (Zubenelgenubi), with Mars shining bright and reddish a little higher and to the right. Such a welcome sight to start the day! Mars will be approaching Jupiter and Zubenelgenubi in the coming weeks. It’s now less […]

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Meeting the World with Embodied Presence

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 6, the Moon of Balancing, a time of meeting the world beyond our selves, as our selves, with strong presence, in a continuously balancing way. The ripening Seed of our Warriorhood is now realized, amidst a Geminids meteor shower celebration (peaking tonight, around midnight is optimal for viewing).​ A handful more days remain in […]

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Strongly Storied Presence

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Such a potent weekend of Full Moon in Gemini, Mercury turning retrograde (until the 22nd), Jupiter in Scorpio (yes the deep is being dredged) trine Neptune in Pisces (and we’re feeling it) flow, all as we’ve been journeying deep into the Night of our beings, coming home to our selves. There are […]

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Old Stories, Deeply Felt & Journeyed

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This coming week is a time of slowing our selves down to dream, experience, hear, read, and tell stories. We’re still in the Night wave, so being home, stories, and our inner life are calling for our attention. Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces is drawing in, exact next […]

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Selfing within the Deep Dark Universe

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This week we stepped into the Moon of Selfhood, a time for beginning to find our selves within the new form that’s been emerging, and for gathering resources in support of this new self. Venus is slowly slipping from the predawn eastern sky, soon to walk the underworld for […]

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Love Warrior Stepping into Selfhood

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, What new form​ have you noticed emerging in your life the​se days? Notice the degree to which loving what​ you do and who you do it with is foundational to this New Form. The Dog wave shows us how to approach with love. With Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus​ in Aries, time and timing are dancing well […]

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Earthly Forms of Loving

Greetings, Was the Full Moon in Taurus strong enough for ya?! Perhaps a bit of yearning for simple earthly pleasures? Maybe we can get some sleep tonight… Liberated from planning and efforting as our way of bringing the next level into form, living well on Earth now happens through navigating by synchronicity, even as the ground […]

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Look Up!

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, There’s a meteor shower this weekend, called the Orionids. The best viewing times are around 1–4am, but anytime in the night and well before dawn you’ll see more shooting stars than usual. And, with the New Moon yesterday, the skies will be nice and dark. While you’re​ stargazing, you might want to see if you can […]

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New Seeds Sprouting

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Monkey has definitely been messing with us the past week, shaking us out of our usual ways of being in motion, and offering up a dissolving liberation, just as Jupiter moved into deep, dark Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth. A potent combination, bringing profound transformation! The vibe began to […]

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Mirroring Movement

Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re out of the portal days now (since Saturday, did you notice?), so things are calming down a bit. And, we might need some restful recovery time from the intensity! The sky action is happening pre-dawn in the east these few days as the waning Crescent Moon visited Venus this morning for the 6th divestment, a […]

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