Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
I saw bright white Jupiter shining this morning around 6am in the east (toward the south), next to the claw of the Scorpion (Zubenelgenubi), with Mars shining bright and reddish a little higher and to the right. Such a welcome sight to start the day! Mars will be approaching Jupiter and Zubenelgenubi in the coming weeks. It’s now less than a fist width away (at arms length, with one eye closed). Maybe you’ll start watching with me…
Today is the last day of the Warrior wave, a time that’s been rigorously demanding our embodied presence in the face of much poison and vitriol. Gather and feel your strength, and how it’s been built through your ability to respond while maintaining your self!
It’s a 13 Star day, fittingly, as tonight into tomorrow brings the dark of the New Moon in late Sagittarius, Sun and Moon conjoined, with Saturn nearby, in alignment with the center of our galaxy. This is a chance to be in our horse bodies and raise our gaze upward, into this larger cosmic context in which we live, to pull back the bow and release our arrow. We are galactic beings. Living here on earth, in our solar system, journeying and learning by riding our arrow’s song…
Tomorrow begins the 13-days of the Moon wave. Moon initiates us into the magic that’s always tangibly here if we but meet it, showing us how to change in a balancing way, moving with the phases. Moon waxingly welcomes us into a seriously Capricornian time as the planets gather. The dance is slow and steady.
Late Tuesday, Saturn moves into Capricorn (its home sign!) for the next three years, inviting us to take responsibility for the forms and structures of our lives and having our own authority. On the Dec 21st Winter Solstice, the Sun joins Saturn in Capricorn. Venus adds its Capricornian welcome at Christmas. This is a good year for practical gifts! Love seriously and committedly. Be slow and steady. Respect yourself and others. This initiates a time that will change how we live and make our contributions to this world. This is a time of taking ourselves more seriously, of growing and learning through take responsibility and doing the work.
This is also a time to approach the elders, to listen to their stories and receive their wisdom, especially your familial elders. Ask about their lives and those they remember from before… get to know the people and places that you’re made of! For this time, I’m offering a course in Ancestor Tracking, beginning in early January. Come learn to use Ancestry(.)com, and other tools, to connect with your ancestors and build your family tree!
Did I mention that Mercury goes Direct in Sagittarius on Dec 22nd?! This will help with last minute deliveries, tech gifts, and generally make for more straightforward communications at holiday gatherings.
Hear the whole story in my (free) Moon 6 podcast.
Happy Riding Your Arrow to the Stars and Moon,
An Evening of Stargazing
Saturday, Jan 20th, 6:30–9pm
Datebook 2018
A colorful and curvaceous week-at-a-glance calendar for 2018 (January–December), showing the day signs, numbers and waves for each day.
Essence Elixirs
As usual, buy four get five. Free shipping in the US.
Highly Recommended:
Total Eclipse of the Heart, This, Cosmic Fabulousity, Restructuring, and Today ~ All the Way.
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