
New Seeds Sprouting

Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,

Monkey has definitely been messing with us the past week, shaking us out of our usual ways of being in motion, and offering up a dissolving liberation, just as Jupiter moved into deep, dark Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth. A potent combination, bringing profound transformation!

The vibe began to shift yesterday, as we moved into the 13-day Seed wave, with its ten portal days in a row (beginning Monday), in this Skywalker Seeding Integration year. With the​ only Seed wave of this year arriving in this moment, I’m reminded of how some Seeds need fire to germinate ––whether to burn off their resin coating (further fueling the flames) or to open the cone and drop them into the ash-mineralized soil, now with plenty of room to grow and less competition for water. This suggests a time to come in these next couple of weeks, in which different seeds than usual might sprout in us and the lands, seeds that have been waiting in the deep for exactly this fire-scarred moment! Notice and be tender with this germination. A portal of deep possibility ​is opening.

On Tuesday before dawn, the waning Crescent Moon joins Venus in the​ east (with faint Mars nearby), for the 7th divestment. Venus drops her robes and stands naked, ready to soon enter the underworld. Here we are, again, being offered an opportunity to release all that has clothed us, to stand naked before life and death. With deep humility and grace, Venus approaches and lovingly caresses Porrima, the heart of the Goddess, next weekend, on her way toward a predawn rendezvous with Jupiter. ​In this time, perhaps it is we who could bestow a blessing, rather than seeking to fearfully take what we can get, and along the way, find ourselves blessed. We may or may not see one last visit of the waning moon next month before Venus begins to slip from the sky as Morning Star to enter a few months journeying in the under the world. So, enjoy this dawn-bringer in the coming weeks.

On Wednesday, we enter Moon 4 ~ the Moon of Form, and our new ways of moving begin to show up as new forms. Thursday’s New Moon in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries, suggests a continuation of the fiery and sudden unexpectedness of these times, as well as the seeding of a new form of balanced relatedness, one that includes the expression of our magnificent uniquenesses! In the​ coming weeks, our newly sprouted seeds will begin to show their forms. 


Hear so much more in my Moon 4 Audio Calendar Podcast.
(I’ll post the new podcast later today. Keep checking the link.)

Come sit under the trees, breathing the air again, carving together in a new old way.
Wood and Knife: A Basic Carving Project Day
NEW DATE, Sunday Oct 22nd. 
Carve a butter knife, while learning knife skills and working with wood grain.

Virtual Workshop ~ Finding Our Selves through Remembering Our Ancestors
Saturdays, October 28th and Nov 4th.
Learn approaches to researching and discovering your roots and history, and honoringly re-vitalize your ancestors along the way.

Happy Seeding,

Stargazer Li


Essence Elixirs
As usual, buy four get five. Free shipping in the US.
Highly Recommended:
This, Today ~ All the Way, Grok, and Adorning.

My Blog is where you can always find my Cosmic Update Emails, Audio Calendar Podcasts, and more…


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