
Wizard Selves Emerging

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The sudden upsurge of Jupiter into Sagittarius and Uranus retrograding back into Aries, both fire signs, seems to have ignited some of our lands. And, we’re reminded, yet again and some more, of the ongoing structural transformation being commanded by Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn… Tonight, see the Crescent Moon with Saturn, very low in the west […]

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Wizardly Form

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The Dragon wave continues as we birth this new form, as does some of the primordial lethargy and unfocusedness, though this is shifting too with our emergence! This past week, Venus retrograded back into Libra and emerged as the Morning Star very low in the east southeast just before dawn, initiating a new cycle of graciousness around love, relatedness, and […]

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Emergent New Form

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The Dragon wave continues this week, as does this sense of emergent, nearly inarticulable, newness. Notice what new form is birthing in your being, as your being, and from your being! Over the next couple of days, Pluto’s path crosses the ecliptic path of the planets (heading south, down even deeper into our […]

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Birthing a New Form

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This coming week, is a week of change, of the birthing of a new form. Perhaps it’s even what we’ve been working toward, and waiting for, through these times that have wrung from us who we thought we were and what​ we thought was our life! Sun moves into deep, […]

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Moon 4 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 4 ~ the Moon of Form ~ in this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year October 18 through November 14, 2018 Download or Listen Here Moon 4 Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 4 Handout     Purchase a 2019 Datebook for a week-at-a-glance way to see the colorfully storied […]

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Stars Dance the Sky

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Are you feeling the shift? Not to say that the massive transformational challenges we’ve all been going through for many moons are over or anything… But perhaps you may have noticed us starting to move and experience ourselves in new ways! There’s something coming of all this, a new form that comes from all this […]

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Eagle Star Shining

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today could be called a 7 Dragon portal day, a day for attuning to the rebirth that’s coming soon (in a few weeks)! Since last Feb, we’ve been engaged in deep learning of how to be in action and live what we believe. Boy howdy! Soon, we will birth a new form. But for now, we’re ripening […]

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Eagle Flies

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today, we enter the 13-day Eagle wave, here in the Moon of Motion. Coming from the Wind wave, the breaths, and speech and song of the past couple of weeks are the currents that lift us into flight, freedom of movement at the next level, not having to follow […]

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Harvest Moon Breezes

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Happy Autumn! We’re in the equal days and nights time of year, turning toward the dark… Keep breathing, conversing, and singing with with the change of seasons, as the autumn breezes waft the scent of ripe fruit and turning leaves…​ On Monday evening as the newly Libra Sun sets, the Harvest Moon rises in […]

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Welcome to the Moon of Motion

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Ahhh, I love when we move on from the Moon of Relatedness and Challenge! Welcome to Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion. Here’s where things really start to get rolling… We begin with today’s 4 Serpent day in the Wind wave. Let vitality undulate through you, propelling you through the […]

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