
Wizarding Ways

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are at the close of the final day of the Dragon wave, birther of new beginnings, this time around in how we meet the world beyond ourselves.  The astrology of the Winter Solstice, with its Jupiter–Saturn Great Conjunction in Aquarius, tells a similar tale. What are you noticing in […]

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Winter Solstice Great Conjunction in Aquarius

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Let’s together welcome Jupiter, newly moved into Aquarius Saturday morning (joining Saturn who moved in on Wednesday night). Welcome Jupi, thank you for offering uplifting, expansive, freedom through new ways of journeying in this world and life! Tonight is a good time for scouting out places from which to see these two largest planets in […]

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Meeting the World Beyond Ourselves, Newly

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are, on the eve of Moon 6 ~ the Moon of Balancing, of Meeting the World Beyond Ourselves, as Ourselves. For a year and more, I’ve been looking to this time about to unfold, seeing how our learning has been preparing us for this moment of being our naturally […]

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Moon 6 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 6 ~ the Moon of Balancing ~ in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year December 12, 2020 through January 9, 2021 Download or Listen Here Moon 6 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 6 Handout Now’s the perfect time to learn to receive and move from what Life is Inviting […]

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Star Selfing

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are, humans selfing, star beings learning embodied living amidst the unfolding.  What we’ve been told it means to be “human,” and how to do it, is via an imperially-constructed persona​ engaged in war on Life (our own and of the natural world). We’re all casualties of this war, to varying degrees.  […]

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Moon Kissed By Eagle Star, Blessing Selfhood

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, Gemini Full Moon shines, subtly shadowed overnight by a penumbral eclipse. Celebrate intelligence, independence, and change. In this close of the Eagle wave, we’re invited to come into living our personal thinking and communicating ways in a more authentic expression. Only a slight darkening from this penumbral eclipse may be visible in North America​. This also begins […]

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Eagle Flies Freely Into Selfhood

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Yesterday, Venus moved into Scorpio while Sun moved into Sagittarius. These are shifting times as this year draws to a close and we sense the new journey to come. For now, Sun in Sagittarius sends a flaming arrow in flight, from the depths of love, as we follow it and journey into the spacious upper realms, […]

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Wind Whispers Us Into Selfhood

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The build up into the transFormative late week and weekend that’s coming to a close now gives way to a slower, deeper time, where lingering momentum and just getting goingness carry us. Today, we enter Moon 5, the Moon of Selfhood, in this year where Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm. This is a quiet moon. Hear Wind […]

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Moon 5 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 5 ~ the Moon of Selfhood ~ in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year November 15 through December 12, 2020     Download or Listen Here Moon 5 Podcast     View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 5 Handout         Purchase a Printed Calendar for this Wizard Meets […]

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Wind Speaks the Unseen into Form

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today begins the 13-day Wind wave, in this Green realm of magic… From the deep, Wind arises, breath of spirit, stirrings of the unseen, moving us to speech and song. Our saying & singing bestows form.  This Sunday is the Conception Day for Next New Year in this calendar, as spirit breathes fertile […]

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