
Archive | Cosmic Updates

A Is Born

Greetings Keeper of Time, Did you see the Crescent Moon with Venus as the Evening Star low in the west on Monday evening? Could you feel the potency of that moment, and the blessing it bestowed? Such a beauteous sight! That was on a 13 Star day, eve of the 1 Moon day, in the […]

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Getting Schooled

Greetings Keeper of Time, In these Back-to-School days, many of us are being majorly “schooled” by life! Are you feeling it? In my calendar, it’s the Warrior wave in the Moon of Relatedness and Challenge. We’re being asked to be strong and present amidst lots going on, to stay with ourselves and meet the challenges […]

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Relating From Deep Within

Greetings Keeper of Time, I’m writing to you as the Sun sets and the Full Aquarius Moon rises… So much has unfolded during Moon 1 ~ the Moon of Purpose ~ in this year of Earth Seeding Action! Have you been gathering and remembering your seeds, and living and taking action in new ways? The […]

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Earth Seeding Action

Greetings Keeper of Time, Do things feel so different to you these days, especially in your brain and body? It’s like we’re being made to let go of focus and relax into just embodying what is and meeting the moment simply because we can’t quite pull off anything else! While it seems like that could […]

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Seeds of Freedom

Greetings Keeper of Time, Have you been feeling an odd mix of spacey with old patterns coming up that inhibit you from living well, while at the same time seeing and feeling glimpses of yourself as freer and more amazing than ever before? That’s been the interesting challenge of the past couple of weeks, giving […]

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Real Effortlessness

Greetings Keeper of Time, For the past Moon we’ve been birthing new ways of being in Action, and learning to allow action to arise from our connection with source rather than from our wants or fears. For the past week or so, we’ve begun to learn to move more effortlessly and Wizard-like as we take […]

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Birthing New Ways of Being In Action

Greetings Keeper of Time, What no longer resonant ways of taking action are you ready to shed? What new vision that became clearer a couple weeks ago can you see readying to emerge in your lived life? This past week and for a handful of days more we’re closing out a cycle that began last […]

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