
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Star Dancing

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time,  You’re hearing from me a little more frequently these days… Big shiftings afoot, which seem to want to be noticed and acknowledged! Today, we begin the 13-day Star wave, as Eagle flies so high, it returns to once again being sparkling Star, dancingly moving through the night, storying the seasons, gifting wonder […]

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Dancing Beneath Harvest Moon

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight shines the Aries Harvest Moon. Jupiter and Saturn are shining either side of Moon! Full Moon nearest Autumn Equinox. Moon seen as its brightest and roundest, time of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Here’s my mythopoetic telling of this storied time:   秋濟 川山謌舞 ​ Autumn River Crossing storks return from […]

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Moved By the Singing of Autumn Winds

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion! Here, in the Wind wave, and last few days of Virgo Sun, vitalizing communion with Life through “in service to the sacred” relational conversation sets in motion the wonders of third thingingness. Relational reality dances with and is danced by Wind, […]

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Intimately Conversing

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, I caught a glimpse of the waning Crescent Moon this morning in the​ east before dawn. Tomorrow morning too, Moon will be with Venus, bringing the first divestment of Venus, relinquishing of the crown, as we stand bare-headed, wide open to sky. This new Venus in Leo cycle is fully unfolding […]

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Meeting the Challenge of Relatedness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow, begins Moon 2 ~ the Moon of Relatedness & Challenge, in this year of Wizardly Dog Selfing. Warrior stands atop mountain, arms outstretched, in deep relatedness with Life, attuning to the winds, hearing the messages of spirit, as Sun moves into Virgo and Mercury turns Retrograde in Virgo.  Much shifting […]

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Meteor Showering Venus Sun Seeding

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, TONIGHT, Saturday night into Sunday morning, August 12-13th, is the peak of the Perseids meteor shower. Optimal watching is well after midnight, as Perseus (the radiant) rises higher in the East. You’ll see shooting stars in all directions. ​Very little moonlight interferes (until moonrise around 4am). Enjoy! Also today into tomorrow (exact around 4am PDT), retrograde Venus conjuncts Sun […]

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Storied Night Bring Love Warrior

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, With last night’s Full Moon in Aquarius, the connecting with beloveds howling pack Dog wave of this new year draws toward a close! Venus in Leo, retrograde since 7/22, shining as Evening Star in the West after sunset, is quickly descending, to disappear within the next handful of days.​ Fittingly, on Friday, along with Venus, we enter the inner storied realms […]

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Sunshine of Our Love ~ Wizardly Dog Selfing New Year

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today, Sun moves into Leo, Venus turns retrograde in Leo, and we begin the Dog wave in this Moon of Freedom, which will carry us into the new year. We roamingly revel in freedom, as Dog, loving the vastness, and as the vastness. The unabashed sunshine of our love abounds, […]

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Crowning Love

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, On Monday, the Lunar Nodes shifted from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra. Learning related to presencing as Self in relatedness with Others comes into focus for the coming year and a half. This too as Monday’s Dark​ Moon in Cancer initiated a lunar cycle of experiencing belonging in freedom. Tonight and tomorrow night in the west at dusk, ​(exact, but not visible, early Thursday), Moon waxes in Leo to conjoin […]

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Seeding Freedom

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom, and the final Moon of this Wizard Moon Bridges Worlds year! A gateway has opened into the All-That-Is of Universe Seed is flying through, as we’re becoming fertile portals into the ongoing, embodied, intensely generous possibility of attuning ourselves to freedom, to […]

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