
Meeting Life

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The past couple of days, Mars has been goosing Chiron on its way to entering Aries on Monday, instilling the impetus to spring to life again, and maybe to live our gifts rather than those pesky wounds that keep ailing us and drawing our attention. The will(ingness) to embody and take […]

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A Skywalking Journey

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Having well begun our new form, we now refine it through dimensionally journeying as Skywalkers, humans freely exploring the cosmic worlds way beyond our own. This is Jupiter in Sagittarius time. Live life as a guided  journey… Fittingly, a comet is streaking through the night sky. Listen and watch for the […]

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Balancingly Meeting the World

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 6, the Moon of Balancing. This is a time when our new self in form meets the world beyond the self, still simply shining like the Sun, radiating warmth and generosity to all within our domains. Amidst a celebratory Geminids meteor shower (peaking tonight), Moon and […]

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Moon 6 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 6 ~ the Moon of Balancing ~ in this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year December 12, 2018 through January 9, 2019 Download or Listen Here Moon 6 Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 6 Handout   Purchase a 2019 Datebook for a week-at-a-glance way to see the colorfully storied […]

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Shine On

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, These are the days when, if we’re doing “good enough,” it’s a good day! Amidst all the ongoing challenges that are reshaping our sense of self, it’s time to keep shining, for ourselves and in life. This is enough. Let enough be good enough! There’s nowhere to get to, and nothing […]

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Wizard Hands Lift Sun

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here in the last two days of the Hand wave in this Moon of Selfhood, we find ourselves through what we make and do. Have you noticed a shift in what you feel called to do, and perhaps the beginnings of taking action and bringing into form ​in new ways? The […]

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Truly Blessed

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, My hope is that in this time we can all, actively and ongoingly, remember that we are truly blessed! These days the Sun shines with Jupiter in Sagittarius, with Mercury running back to meet up with them, blessing our expansive adventures and learning, especially when we approach them with curiosity and playfulness, willing […]

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Wizard Hands Make Selves

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Just a few more days of conceiving the living our wizardry as our selves! Let’s welcome the learning and meet this moment well and effortlessly. Mercury has turned retrograde in Sagittarius to head back and welcome Jupiter newly entered into Sag. This is an opportunity to reconsider how we interpret divinations and generally […]

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Moon 5 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 5 ~ the Moon of Selfhood ~ in this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year November 15 through December 12, 2018 Download or Listen Here Moon 5 Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 5 Handout   Purchase a 2019 Datebook for a week-at-a-glance way to see the colorfully storied days […]

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