
Flying Into Freedom Amidst the Stars

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The eve of the Moon of Freedom is upon us. This is a time of moving through the cosmic gate of the year, returning to revel in the great All-That-Is.  Eagle flies us into a new form of freedom, bringing independence of vision and action that allows room for […]

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Moon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom ~fulfilling this Earth’s Moon Freedom YearJune 27 through July 24, 2019 Download or Listen HereMoon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening:Moon 13 Handout   Purchase a PDF Calendar for this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year to see the whole story and follow along […]

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Integrating Eagle’s Perspective

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, By the recent light of Full Moon in Sagittarius, Eagle lifted into flight on the words of Wind, soaring the vast expanses, seeing what’s been and what’s to come with perspective, and integrating what’s left into a new, more complex form of beingness.  Jupiter was right beside, square Neptune in Pisces, […]

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Breathing Spirit & Weaving Words

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Over the coming two weeks, Moon waxes as Wind speaks spirit into this world, inspiring breathes that infuse us with the essence magic of all that’s unfolding. Our words carry power, our songs speak spirit.  Jupiter rises in the east as Sun sets, shining its brightest blessing throughout the nights. […]

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Integrating Moon Magic

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 12 ~ the Moon of Integration. Over the past few weeks, we’ve let go in some significant ways, liberating us for outdated ways of being. This is a time of looking to what​’s been and toward what’s to come as we crystallize into a new, more complex, form.  […]

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Moon Magic Liberates

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Moon wanes with loveliness, having recently visited Saturn along the way, showing us how to release.  Moon, as an ever-changing form being, carries us into the realm of magic, liberating us from attempting to live a life in which we try to “be” any one thing, or be “done” with anything. […]

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Moon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 12 ~ the Moon of Integration ~in this Earth’s Moon Freedom YearMay 30 through June 26, 2019 Download or Listen HereMoon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening:Moon 12 Handout   Purchase a PDF Calendar for this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year to see the whole story and follow along […]

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Embodied Presence Liberation

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We find ourselves in the Warrior wave in the Moon of Liberation, being asked to stay embodied and present, even as… the so much, the weird energy, the grief, the excitement… Like Mars, we’re at a great crossroads, where the path of the planet​s meets the Milky Way galaxy river, balancing on the tip of the […]

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Liberation from Stories That No Longer Serve

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, In the quiet depth of Night, we release a no-longer-serving-us worn out story that’s made us toss and turn, enabling a more liberating dream to emerge and be lived. Before this morning’s dawning of the Moon of Liberation, a moment of attunement to a beauty portal was offered as […]

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Moon 11 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 11 ~ the Moon of Liberation ~in this Earth’s Moon Freedom YearMay 2 through May 29, 2019 Download or Listen HereMoon 11 Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening:Moon 11 Handout   Purchase a PDF Calendar for this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year to see the whole story and follow along […]

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