
Birthing New Realities

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, early evening in the west, Moon visits Venus, with the Pleiades star cluster very nearby (that Venus will be approaching in the coming week). Moon gifts Venus a 6th vestment, pineal-topped, scepter of sovereignty. The pineal is associated with the third eye and the connection between the physical […]

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Great Traverses

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are. This is an invitation, from Life. To be here, hearing here. Today, Mars is with Pluto in Capricorn, even as Jupiter is approaching Pluto. There is much expansive, embodied death and renewal energy afoot! Later this week, comes the New Moon in Aries, then Sun is […]

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Seeing the Real Beauty

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Last week’s cosmic update suggested we were entering a time of considering What’s Real? This past week has certainly challenged us to see reality in a whole new light, and to find our own way toward deciding what is real and how to meet it. By the diusruption of […]

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What’s Real?

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Lots going on this weekend into Monday… Time change to daylight savings time (so weird). Full Moon in Virgo opposite Sun with Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Aquarius stationing direct (after a lengthy retrograde). Also, today we move into the Moon of Realization in this calendar, and we’re in […]

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Moon 9 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 9 ~ the Moon of Realization ~ in this Wizard Originating Year March 7 through April 3, 2020   Download or Listen Here Moon 9 Podcast   View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 9 Handout       Order the 2020 Datebook, a week-at-a-glance version of the calendar. Can be used […]

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Wind Lifts Eagle Into Flight

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in a time of learning to take restful action, living what actually wants to happen, moment to moment. As we learn to take action from a different place in our beings, there is a magic to flowing with the flow, rather than effortfully imposing our will. There’s nowhere to get […]

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Speaking With the Unseen

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today’s New Moon in Pisces invites us to relax into infinitude. There is so much Capricornian tangible energy around, and Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces still so strong too. Life is reminding us that unboundaried merging with the ocean of spirit, with Life, can be present, as us, as we […]

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Moon Breathes

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Long slow cycles are unfolding, quickly! Ha. It’s like a moon cycle is a breath cycle. The slowing of us down to meet the moment continues as we learn to ride the elephant, even as the ongoing demand for immediate action is intensely present. This weave of energies is […]

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Living Moon Magic

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Moon shines big and bright, waxing toward Full Leoness on Saturday night. A glorious crescendo is building! Welcome to Moon 8, the Moon of Action. Things feel different now, as we begin to walk our new attunement down the mountain of the year,​ living what we believe​. ​We’re in the​ Moon wave, which ushers […]

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Moon 8 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 8 ~ the Moon of Action ~ in this Wizard Originating Year February 7 through March 6, 2020 Download or Listen Here Moon 8 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 8 Handout Order the 2020 Datebook, a week-at-a-glance version of the calendar. Can be used for journaling and/or scheduling, magically! […]

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