Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
We’re in a time of learning to take restful action, living what actually wants to happen, moment to moment. As we learn to take action from a different place in our beings, there is a magic to flowing with the flow, rather than effortfully imposing our will. There’s nowhere to get to…
We’re in the Wind wave for a few more days. As we breathe spirit into our bodies and bones, speech and song, and being danced by the unseen, continue to be the focus and what brings quiet magic.
On Wednesday, lifted by Wind, and Mercury retrograding into Aquarius, Eagle rises into flight, seeing from new perspectives with freedom of the skies. A perceptual revolution is coming, and changes the actions that we take.
On Thursday, Moon in Cancer opposes Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. Feel the real.
Hear more in my Moon 8 Audio Calendar Podcast. (Moon 9 begins on Saturday and, if all goes well, I’ll send the next Podcast recording by then.)
Happy Wind Lifting Eagle into Flight,
I’m situated enough in my new place that I’ve found what I need and am filling essence and calendar orders again.
Sessions are happening too. So many Ancestor Tracking sessions in particular. It’s one of those times, with all this Capricorn energy around, for us to be remembering the wisdom in our bones!!
2020 Datebook, ON SALE for $20, ONLY SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT LEFT (with free shipping in US), just two remain. A delightfully magical, storied, curvaceous, and colorful week-at-a-glance version of my calendar, runs January–December 2020. Also, there’s a Datebook/Calendar Combo that is deeply discounted. Only a a few calendars left as well.
Riding the Elephant ~ for swaying, rooted, power & presence
Received ~ for receiving life while being received by life
Marrow (a new essence is coming, to become available soonish, I hope)
If you want to stock up, I have a special deal: Buy4Get5 (coupon code) or even Buy8Get10. Free shipping in the US.
I recently had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Pavini Moray, Bespoken Bones podcast. I geeked out in a big way on ancestor tracking, reality, rivers, the Paleolithic, stars, inviting, and so much more. People are loving this conversation. Give a Listen!
If you get inspired to journey with me in this way, consider an Ancestor Tracking Session.
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