
Liberated Journeying

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, early evening, quite low in the west, slivered Moon visits Venus, with Mercury alongside (the fainter of the two). They’re all journeying between the​ horns of the Bull.  This is the 8th and final time Crescent Moon visits Venus as Evening Star and confers a gift, chakra by chakra. Tonight, Moon bows before the soul star atop the […]

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Journeying the Next Level

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The end of March, in the Moon of Realization,​ we began a new round of these waves I often mention. We’ve been dancing the realm of the beginnings of new realities since then (as we’ve noticed!). The next few days complete the beginning of the new realities (in this way of keeping time)… […]

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Liberating Shine

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This Moon of Liberation continues, this time of dissolving what​ no longer serves. There’s plenty to release!! Liberating, we shine like Sun, naturally, generously, and steadily. This simple radiance is enough. Be willing to show up and be seen at the next level. There’s a directional change party during this week’s Sun wave journey toward ripening […]

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Letting Go Brings Liberation

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, On Saturday’s Wizard in action day, we step into Moon 11 ~ the Moon of Liberation! No longer willing to tolerate or accommodate​ ourselves to that which may have once served us but is now dissonant, we open our clenched hands and release what no longer serves as the beginnings of our new reality […]

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Moon 11 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 11 ~ the Moon of Liberation ~ in this Wizard Originating Year May 2 through May 29, 2020 Download or Listen Here Moon 11 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 11 Handout Hear all about this Year that we’re in! Moon 1 & New Year Audio Calendar Podcast View the […]

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Head & Hands

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Moon shines with Venus tonight early evening in the west, bestowing a 7th vestment Crown, witnessed by Aldebaran, the nearby red eye of the Bull. Place a crown upon your head, open portal to Universe. We move with the flow of Wizard magic and real presence, Now through our Hands in the last week of the Moon […]

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Pleasures of Embodiment

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We continue to learn to journey as shapeshifting Wizards Manifest, death/birthed from the unreality in which we had placed our security for the sake of certainty. Knowing and unknown dance, hearing here… Springtime Sun moved into Taurus today, bringing a time for enjoying the pleasures of embodiment through earthy sensory and sensual experiencing. Taste. […]

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One Wizard, Walking & Talking

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today is a One Wizard day. This echoes the One Wizard day that happened back on the July 26th​ “new year” for this calendar. Today is essentially the Walking & Talking day for this year. Having experienced a round of days and waves learning to live in a more wizardly way, we return to this energy now more […]

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New Realities Manifest

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, early evening in the west, Venus shines amidst the Pleiades star cluster! Use binoculars for the best view. Dragon-birthed​ new realities now become manifest, become What Is and have lives of their own. It’s for us to learn to ride the unfolding… As we enter the Moon of Manifestation tomorrow, Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn […]

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Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 10 ~ the Moon of Manifestation ~ in this Wizard Originating Year April 4 through May 1, 2020 Download or Listen Here Moon 10 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 10 Handout Hear all about this Year that we’re in! Moon 1 & New Year Audio Calendar Podcast View the Moon […]

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