
Pleasures of Embodiment

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

We continue to learn to journey as shapeshifting Wizards Manifest, death/birthed from the unreality in which we had placed our security for the sake of certainty. Knowing and unknown dance, hearing here…

Springtime Sun moved into Taurus today, bringing a time for enjoying the pleasures of embodiment through earthy sensory and sensual experiencing. Taste. Savor. Linger over the mouthfeel of the moment.

Sun joins with Moon, Wed night into Thurs am, for this New Moon in Taurus very near Uranus, and square Saturn in Aquarius. Amidst the real tensions of these revolutionary constrictions, we find connection through distancing. Embodied uniqueness unexpectedly and suddenly finds us in a moment. Havingness takes on new meanings. There is a growthful freshness upon us, to be celebrated.

All this, as Pluto slowly stations and turns retrograde, a potent piroette upon this moment’s death/renewal threshold. We see and come to know and can be renewed by the realness, power, and potency being opened to and met. Re-approaching from another angle, hidden structures are revealed.

The Lyrids meteor shower peaks Tues into Wed (late night is best, after the radiant Lyra constellation rises in the east). This is a modest meteor shower, though the dark Moon will help us see more. These few mornings before dawn in the east, waning Moon is lowest to the horizon, in line with Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter (brightest). Venus shines brightly in the west after sunset for only a few weeks more.

Here is where I speak deeply to what’s unfolding: Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast

Speaking of podcasts, I was interviewed by Meredith Rom recently. Give a listen!
Receiving Life & Conversing with the Universe with Stargazer Li

To Experiencing the Pleasures of Embodiment,



Sessions Are Happening
Check out Conversations & Renewal Sessions!
Also, Ancestor Tracking…


Last fall, I was interviewed by Pavini Moray for the Bespoken Bones podcast. I geeked out in a big way on ancestor tracking, reality, rivers, the Paleolithic, stars, inviting, and so much more. Enjoy!

If you’re inspired to journey with me in this way, consider an Ancestor Tracking Session. This is a time for remembering ourselves as humans, connected with the humans that came before as well as their times and places.



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