
Serpent Dancing, Freely

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, NEOWISE Comet Viewing is prime. Starting tonight, you may be able to catch a glimpse both very early evening & just before dawn in the NW (near the horizon). Best right now is predawn. Look to the left of Venus shining with Aldebaran (the red eye of Taurus the Bull).​ I’m hearing it can be easily […]

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Freeing Real Humanness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow evening (Saturday) brings the Full Moon, and a very slight, subtle Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which will be visible in much of North & South America, Africa, and South Western Europe. Penumbral means just the outer shadow of Earth is involved, and this one is only covering about a quarter of the Moon at maximum. For […]

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Storming Into Freedom

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are, Storming into Freedom, entering Moon 13, the Moon of Freedom on Saturday. We’ve been in the Storm wave for nearly two weeks. This, ongoing, activating, crystalizing suddenness is opening us into the all-that-is. It’s time to embrace this storminess, which is here to stay, as we will be […]

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Moon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom ~ in this Wizard Originating Year June 27 through July 24, 2020 Download or Listen Here Moon 13 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 13 Handout Hear all about this Year that we’re in! Moon 1 & New Year Audio Calendar Podcast View the […]

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Home Eclipsing & Basement Clearing

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, I wrote these first few paragraphs last week, but it bears repeating, as today is the day! On today’s Summer Solstice, Sun rests on the pointy-toed boot of a Gemini Twin, at the crossroads where the yellow road of the planets meets the white road of the Milky Way in […]

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Storm Crystalizing Integration

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This weekend has seen Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, offering a hazy, wanting to be lazy, embodied infinitude storying. Within this, we’re invited to find the will for appreciating artful beauty, merging with spirit, and moving intuitively.   As we’ve experienced another layer of dying to who we’ve been this past week, Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn has continued to draw near, and will soon be ratcheting up the […]

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Integration, Integral, Integrity

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We find ourselves in the midst of the Worldbridger wave, in the Moon of Integration. As Jupiter with Pluto in Capricorn draw near each other once again, ​we’re dying to who we’ve been, surrendering in humility, again and again, ​which makes possible the bridging of worlds. This is profound guidance for meeting this transformational journey of […]

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Learning to Be Siblings & Make Friends With Love

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We have a lot to learn! We’re in the midst of a Venus Retrograde movement between worlds that initiates a new Venus in Gemini cycle. This retrograde period brings a time and journey of reviewing, revising, and reforming our experiences of love, beauty, value, and money.​ The Gemini Twins are associated with being siblings or friends, and this sign […]

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Moon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 12 ~ the Moon of Integration ~ in this Wizard Originating Year May 30 through June 26, 2020 Download or Listen Here Moon 12 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 12 Handout Hear all about this Year that we’re in! Moon 1 & New Year Audio Calendar Podcast View the […]

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