
Freeing Real Humanness

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

Tomorrow evening (Saturday) brings the Full Moon, and a very slight, subtle Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which will be visible in much of North & South America, Africa, and South Western Europe. Penumbral means just the outer shadow of Earth is involved, and this one is only covering about a quarter of the Moon at maximum. For those on the West Coast of the US, this will happen at moonrise looking southeast. For those further East, this will happen while the Moon is higher in the south. My favorite source for eclipse info.

Perhaps even more exciting will be seeing Saturn and Jupiter with this Full Moon! Saturn is more yellowish and Jupiter is bright white. Both planets are approaching being “at opposition” rising as the Sun sets and shining their brightest (even more so in the coming weeks). They’ll be drowned out by the brightness of the Moon shining with them, but as Moon moves on in the coming days, you’ll be able to see them rising in the east early evenings, continuing to journey quite close together.

The lunar eclipse brings to a close this week of breath-takingly strong astrological happenings! Full Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter are astrologically in Capricorn (as is invisible Pluto amidst them). ​This is a time for taking seriously our responsibility to get real and become mature adults doing our work, a time for living our way into the Humans we’re becoming as we do the work to free ourselves from the tyranny and oppression of supremacist thinking and ways. It’s time for freeing real humanness, which is not what we’ve been taught, nor what we’ve been living.

Hear the larger story of this Moon of Freedom, and how it connects to the upcoming new year, in my Moon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast

Venus shines in the east before dawn as Morning Star. Mars is high toward the south just before dawn. Jupiter and Saturn are soon rising in the east as Sun sets.

Happy Freeing Real Humanness,



Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year Calendar Pre-Orders
I’m well along in the writing, and it’s looking promising to be published and sent out well before the New Year (July 26th)!


Sessions Are Happening
Such important & deep transformations are unfolding!
Check out Conversations & Renewal Sessions
Also, Ancestor Tracking.


I recorded a special edition podcast:
Venus Retrograde in Gemini ~ Learning to Make Friends with Love


Essence Elixirs are Available Once Again
There’s a wide array of vibrational deliciousness!
Riding the Elephant
And Then What Happens?

Receiving Life & Conversing with the Universe with Stargazer Li
I was interviewed by Meredith Rom. Give a listen!

Last fall, I was interviewed for the Bespoken Bones podcast. I geeked out in a big way on ancestor tracking, reality, rivers, the Paleolithic, stars, inviting, and so much more. Enjoy!

Consider an Ancestor Tracking Session. This is a time for remembering ourselves as humans, connected with the humans that came before, as well as their times and places.


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