
Worldbridging Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This past Thursday, beneath dazzling Moon & Mars with the Pleiades, Sun dipped into an oceanic Piscean dreamscape, and we became liminal Worldbridgers. We’re learning​ to be embodied and engaged in this world while maintaining our connection with spirit, to act from a place of being merged with Universe ands dancing to the music of the spheres. […]

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Aquarius New Moon ~ Year of Metal Ox

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Big Shift moment! Are you feeling this newness?! Today is the New Moon in Aquarius, with Sun, Moon, Mercury (retrograde), Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn ALL in Aquarius! Venus & Jupiter are nestled together, bringing expansive love to this seeding activation of new realities. Mercury being retrograde offers a chance to see […]

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Skywalking Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 8 ~ the Moon of Action, beginning tomorrow (Sunday). Having made a new beginning by engaging with and attuning to new realities these past six weeks, now we’re dimensionally journeying as being-seasoned-through-experience Skywalkers. Meeting the world, sussing out and expressively living what​’s real, is our new approach to taking action, to being […]

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Moon 8 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 8 ~ the Moon of Action ~ in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year February 7 through March 6, 2021 Download or Listen Here Moon 8 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 8 Handout Download or Listen Here Moon 1 & New Year Podcast BONUS Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year Overview […]

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Aquarian Selfing

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This week has provided a big dose of Aquarius Sun with expansive Jupiter opposing enthusiastic for personal selfhood Leo Full Moon (last night), amidst the internal tensions of these same bodies squaring unpredictable and activatingly stormy Uranus and willfully embodied Mars in Taurus. I hope you keep rising to the occasion in surprisingly new ways! We can be […]

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Here Comes the Sun

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The 13-day Sun wave commences today. Sun radiantly bestows warm winter light, activating attunement to a new Aquarian cup-bearing sense of identity and purpose in shining with serious Saturn (today as well), then joining abundant Jupiter on Thursday night as they cooly smile at the enthusiastic and creative antics of Full Moon Leo.​ We’re […]

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Making Change

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Lots of activating energy this coming week!  The process of more deeply embodying and journeying the new energies of these times is initiated… We’re in the Hand wave and the Moon of Attunement through Friday, being~doing in new ways as we begin to more fully and authentically live our lives. Jupiter (newly in Aquarius) challengingly square Uranus in Taurus has been […]

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To Be Doing ~ Attuning through our Hands

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, If you have a view low to the southwest, and some binoculars, you might catch Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury together tonight just after sunset (for only a half hour or so) before they head into the underworld… Tomorrow (Monday) morning before dawn, the waning Crescent Moon visits Venus for the 7th and final divestment before Venus […]

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Moon 7 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 7 ~ the Moon of Attunement ~ in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year January 10 through February 6, 2021 Download or Listen Here Moon 7 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 7 Handout Last call for Inviting 2021  You can still join this brief, self-paced course at any time! […]

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Wizard Words

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The Quadrantids meteor shower peaks tonight, late night into pre-dawn. Face northeast toward the radiant in the constellation Bootes​ (find Arcturus and you’re​ there). The​re’s way more moonlight than optimal, but this meteor shower tends to have some big ones! Mercury ––the planet of thinking and communicating–– steps into the transformational action in a […]

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