
Aquarian Selfing

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

This week has provided a big dose of Aquarius Sun with expansive Jupiter opposing enthusiastic for personal selfhood Leo Full Moon (last night), amidst the internal tensions of these same bodies squaring unpredictable and activatingly stormy Uranus and willfully embodied Mars in Taurus. I hope you keep rising to the occasion in surprisingly new ways! We can be friends, even when everything known is disrupted, by staying true to ourselves while staying real with others.

Today’s the last day with all planets moving forward before Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius tomorrow (Saturday) for a few weeks. Re-envisioning through seeing from a different perspective is invited!

Also, Venus moves into Aquarius on Monday. So, we’ll have (all in Aquarius) the personal planets Sun, Mercury, and Venus, meeting up with the social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in the coming weeks, as we start to get to know and bring ourselves in the new realities of how we meet the world beyond ourselves in this emerging Age of Aquarius. Our sense of self & purpose, our thinking & communicating, and our love & valuing, all are changing, for us to be able to do what​’s ours to do (and how) in bringing this new time and reality. For the next week, we’re attuning to these changes and new energies. Soon thereafter, we’ll be moving into action from new places in our beings…

Next Friday, Feb 5th, we move into the Skywalker wave, shifting from the new beginning energy since mid December, and beginning to refine this new beginning by journeying it as our life! So, give yourself fully to this last week of initiating and being initiated into something new and beyond our imaginings…

Hear more in my Moon 7 Audio Calendar Podcast.

Time to say goodbye to Venus as Morning Star, who’s slowly slipping from sight…

Mars is the only planet to be seen these dark winter nights, in the south- southwest.

Happy Aquarian Selfing,



2021 Datebook
A colorful, storied, Jan–Dec week-at-a-glance way of dancing with this year…
Only one left…

Essence Elixirs
Showing Up
Human Freedom
Riding the Elephant

Cosmic Fabulousity

Ancestor Tracking Sessions
for remembering ourselves as humans, connected with the humans that came before, as well as their times and places, bring us home to our humanness.

Last fall, I was interviewed for the Bespoken Bones podcast. I geeked out in a big way on ancestor tracking, reality, rivers, the Paleolithic, stars, inviting, and so much more. Enjoy!


Receiving Life & Conversing with the Universe with Stargazer Li
I was interviewed by Meredith Rom. Give a listen!


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