
Bull Riding

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Sun & Mercury enter Taurus the Bull tomorrow, joining Venus (the ruler of Taurus) & Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius, in this Aquarian new reality emerging time) already ensconced in this earthy fixed sign… Taurian energy brings embodiment, and optimally, the pleasures of embodiment ~ reveling in sensual and sensory experience, enjoying good foods […]

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Reflecting What Is

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today begins the 13-day Mirror wave, a time of reflection and perceptual transformation, here in the​ Moon of Manifestation. How much of the reality we experience is shaped by our assumptions, prejudices, and insistences? We’re looking in a mirror! Today’s Dark Moon Aries actively reflects, and during this waxing, the actions we take […]

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Vitality Manifesting

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Serpent dances, undulating through an open portal, maturely manifesting as this moment, vitalizing us as body-portals being danced through into this world. Embodied transforming is enough. Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces late this week, and Mercury conjuncts Chiron in Aries too. This is a time of healing & learning how to actively & […]

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Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 10 ~ the Moon of Manifestation ~ in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year April 4 through May 1, 2021 Download or Listen Here Moon 10 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 10 Handout Download or Listen Here Moon 1 & New Year Podcast BONUS Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year Overview […]

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Vitalizing Serpent Dance

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow’s Full Moon in very human-relating engaged Libra shines opposite Sun with Venus & Chiron in physically- and assertively-expressive Aries. There’s healing available in this time around lovingly showing up as and maintaining ourselves in relatedness of all kinds. Tomorrow is also the last day of the Human wave […]

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Balancingly Human Amidst Realness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Cast up on the shores of being Human, we differentiate and individuate through today’s Aries Spring Equinox. Creative will(ingness) is the impulse from which to assert, emerge, and express!  Our actions now come into form, in season and concert with the tides of the times, as this real emergent moment of being […]

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Real Humans

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Such a weekend this has been, initiated by the dreamy New Moon in watery Pisces (with Neptune & Venus) late Friday into early Saturday, flowing into Moon in Aries that today is asserting a Daylight Savings Time temporal reality shift (for many). All this, as we head toward Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries season this coming Saturday.  I find the […]

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Sea Storm of Realness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 9 ~ the Moon of Realization!​ This week, a Storm at sea washes over our little Piscean boats of Beingness, swamping us with Realness.  Huddled together, feeling and artfully being love, Sun, Moon, and Venus meet Neptune in Pisces amidst the stirred-into-winds-and-waves cosmic vastness.  We realize this is not […]

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Moon 9 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 9 ~ the Moon of Realization ~ in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year March 7 through April 3, 2021 Download or Listen Here Moon 9 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 9 Handout Download or Listen Here Moon 1 & New Year Podcast BONUS Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year Overview […]

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Storm Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in the last few days of the Worldbridger wave in this Moon of Action, continuing to die to who we’ve been, surrender with humility, and actively bridge worlds by bringing our ongoing intimate connection with Life, with Spirit, into how we show up in this world.  Needless to say, […]

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