
Grand Cross & Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to the Grand Cross  & Moon 10 ~ the Moon of Manifestation ~ in this Earth Seeding Action year.

April 4 – May 1, 2014


Download or Listen Here
Grand Cross & Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast
This is longer than usual, about an hour and a quarter, as there’s LOTS to talk about!

View the Moon Spirals and Handout while listening:

Moon 9 Handout

Moon 10 Handout

Grand Cross Handout



I invite you to share and read stories of this Moon’s Journey below…

What’s the revolution you’re experiencing?

9 Responses to Grand Cross & Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast

  1. Deborah Buck March 24, 2014 at 5:45 pm #

    Dear Li,

    WOW! I just finished listening to your comments which you have so generously recorded. I will listen again and again as I am an Aries and I have an inkling of the challenges that will come to me. I keep repeating the works of my Great Aunt Pauline – “Doucement! Doucement!” Drive more slowly, be more gentle with the people, animals, plants everything around you.

    Your final words are unbelievably powerful because I will be working to control ALL negative thoughts against the people I believe are oppressing me because the final message must be love and by that I mean that I must love and respect myself for having negotiated a path that I can walk while holding my head up.

    Thank you very much!
    You are a pearl beyound price and I really thank you for your kindness is setting up this podcast.

    • Muina April 14, 2014 at 9:04 pm #

      You also have really inspired me, as I am working on forgiveness and sending positive love and light to all who I feel have harmed or oppressed me. Thank you so much for letting me remember I am not alone on this very many are awakening to the healing power of forgiveness/

  2. Karin March 25, 2014 at 8:47 am #

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! I can feel the truth of this time and shifting . . .especially the ‘growing up’ part and being the love we are. Your ending statement says it all: Everything we do or say is a seed. A good meditation . . .

  3. Linda Leith March 26, 2014 at 8:15 pm #

    I sooo love you…..soooo love to hear you tell the story of the times we are in….so right on with what is unfolding in my life and around me….Thank You for what you do…listening always helps me feel so held and supported by the divine. I feel so excited about what is unfolding and how the whole universe is supporting us as we fully integrate as source from within.

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  1. To the Seed | Stargazer Li - March 23, 2014

    […] There’s so much to say about this Grand Cross and Moon 10 that I’ve done a special edition podcast, much longer and earlier than usual, which speaks to the unfolding of the Seed wave and the entire Grand Cross through Moon 10. Grand Cross & Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast […]

  2. Here We Go | Stargazer Li - April 10, 2014

    […] There’s so much to say about this Grand Cross and Moon 10 that I’ve done a special edition podcast: Grand Cross & Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast […]

  3. Loving This | Stargazer Li - April 24, 2014

    […] Last call for listening to my Grand Cross and Moon 10 special edition podcast: Grand Cross & Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast […]

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