
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Dragon Births A New Attunement

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow, Dragon emerges from its mountain cave, birthing us into a new 260-day round of waves through a new experience of attunement with Life, with Universe.  We’re released from the intensively liberating learnings of last round’s shedding of our focus on, and defendedness in relation to, dissonant offness.  This […]

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Yin Water Rabbit New Year

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, High above the Moon 7 mountain peak of this Wizard Moon Bridges Worlds year, shines the eternally dancing creative beauty of Star, seen sparkling in the velvety blackness of night. We express what we are attuned to. Here and Now, we are invited to dance within the unfathomable depths of the real […]

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Soaringly Attuning

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 7 ~ the Moon of Attunement ~ in this Wizard Moon Bridges Worlds year! Seven is the peak of the 13-stepped pyramid of the year. We’re stepping atop the mountain, here, where Earth & Sky meet. This is a time of adjusting what​ we’re attuned to, ensuring that we are […]

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Meeting Life through Breath & Speech

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We breathe & speak, whirled within the magical dance of Wind ~ meeting, honoring, and expressing spirit & the unseen.  Today into tomorrow, Mercury bows to Venus, then turns retrograde in Capricorn to re-approach all of life with serious respect. Mercury is retrograde until Jan 18th. Pluto is nearby witnessing this dance, to be […]

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Meeting Moon Magic

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 6 ~ the Moon of Balancing, of Meeting the World Beyond OurSelves, as OurSelves! Waning Moon (still reverberating from its recent occultation of Mars!) now initiates us into the magic of phase-changing flow, as we enter the Green realm of Magic amidst the celebratory Geminids meteor shower (peaks the next […]

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Dark Night As Soul

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We have another week or so of digesting the eclipse intensities, as we learn to stay present and honor what is! This is the real work of this time. Humble and real is the form… Tomorrow, we welcome in Moon 5 ~ the Moon of Selfhood.  Now, we come to […]

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Love the Ones You’re With

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Say hello to Jupi (Jupiter) who’s being visited by Moon tonight! Today begins the 13-day Dog wave, here in the Moon of Form (in this year of Forming!). We’re invited to Live as Love in Form, as Dog, with loyal enthusiasm, here and now, amidst This! ​ We’re still in the midst […]

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Earthly Form

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This Tuesday, Oct 18th, begins Moon 4, in this 4 Moon portal year, ushering in a time of deepening into the dark of the year, carrying us inward, and home, into the dormancy of Seed form, resting into the fruit, into the rich soil, into a time of being quietly and knowingly […]

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Seeding Strong Presence

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Are you feeling This?!  Full Moon in Aries with Chiron (shining near Jupiter), offering healing & teaching around journeying willingly with strength! Showing up in, and as, the present moment! Living the gifts of who we are spontaneously, rather than lingeringly attending to the wounding that has deterred us, is the invitation! In these conditions, Seed […]

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Mirroring Motion Monkeying Around

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today we entered Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion…  The interactions of two beget three. The Mirroring motions of Thursday’s Autumn Equinoctial as Retrograde Mercury is exactly conjunct Sun, seed a new relational and perceptual experience of balancing.  On Sunday, Sun & Dark Moon in Libra oppose Jupiter as Venus & Mercury […]

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