
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Wizard Hands

Greetings Keeper of Time, For past couple of weeks, we’ve been invited (and sometimes challenged) to integrate the effortless meeting of the moment through Wizardry as our new way of being. On Monday, we enter the 13-day Hand wave and begin to tangibly shape our lives at the next level. With our Hands, we integrate all […]

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Integrating Wizardry

Greetings Keeper of Time, Wizardry is central to the integration of our ongoing liberation, living in trust that everything needed in this moment is present in this moment, including our ability to shapeshift to meet this moment (rather than demanding that it be what we want out of our fearful insecurity). We’re in the 13-day Wizard […]

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Birthing Liberation

Greetings Keeper of Time, Good morning! Welcome to the Dragon wave who’s birthing a new 260-day cycle of waves. What began last September, a cycle having to do with how we meet relatedness and challenge, is now complete (hurray!). This theme of Liberation should seem familiar as we’ve been in a year of Liberation since last July 26th (the […]

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Time Meets Timing

Greetings Keeper of Time, The sparkling Stars dance in their courses, revealing the patterned story that guides us as we ripen into living the magic, into trusting the flow between the slow integrating time of Saturn trine Uranus with its liberating unexpected sense of timing (exact this week). Let everything come together in a liberating, long-awaited yet […]

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Liberating Our Maturity

Greetings Keeper of Time, The Saturn square of Chiron is exact today (Sunday), and will linger for another week or so. Notice internal tensions that arise, as they are likely to best be resolved through taking yourself seriously and offering your gifts. This is about actually being mature, rather than allowing yourself to hang out in your old familiar lifelong wounds. Jupiter […]

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Resume Adorning with Speech and Song

Greetings Keeper of Time, Breathe into this next level of being, as the unseen becomes manifest in and through our spirit-infused speech and song in this Wind wave… Venus is now direct, so you can resume making beauty with and as your life, having now refined what you value and how you love. Next Sunday, April […]

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Remembering Pleasure

Greetings Keeper of Time, Here we are in the Moon of Manifestation, a time when through the actions we’ve taken, something has become real and is now clearly revealed and tangible. Notice what is manifest in your life. This is a divination. This evening, Mercury in Taurus goes retrograde, until 5/3. This is about embodied thinking and […]

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Love Warrior Emergence

Greetings Keeper of Time, Spring has dawned and we stride into each day more fully as Warriors, ripening into our embodied strength, presence, and realness, here in the Moon of Realization. Yesterday, Venus was so bold as to kiss the Sun! In just a week, Venus will emerge in the east before dawn as the Morning Star, […]

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Really Coming Home

Greetings Keeper of Time, In the last storied Nights of winter it’s time to come home, to bring all the actions taken and transformations experienced deeply into ourselves, to ripen them from within into being lived as a real story, as our lives here, at home, in the universe.  This is the story in the […]

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