

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight is the seventh day of the seventh Moon in the Chinese lunar calendar, the one night of the year when Weaver Girl (Vega) and her beloved Ox Herder (Altair) are reunited as Magpies bridge the Milky Way Sky River. This Summer Triangle of stars story plays out overhead. Go out and give […]

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Wizard Moon Bridges Worlds New Year

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Saturday begins the Worldbridger wave, which will carry us through the final couple days of Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom, through Monday’s Day Out of Time (which comes between the years, my personal favorite day to let go and see what​ wants to unfold!), and into Tuesday’s July 26th New Year and […]

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Moon 1 & New Year Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 1 ~ the Moon of Purpose ~ in this Wizard Moon Bridges Worlds Year, July 26 through August 22, 2022. Download or Listen Here Moon 1 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 1 Handout ORDER a Printed Calendar for the Wizard Moon Bridges Worlds year! The New Year begins July […]

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Sun Shining Freely Journey

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Before dawn in the​ east, tomorrow (Sunday), Moon joins with Venus, bringing the 6th divestment, the dropping of the girdling belt. We’re ready to nakedly flow, with dancing hands, from our belly-buttoned elixir fields! Venus is near the eastern end of a long string of visible planets stretching out toward the south (in […]

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Moon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom ~ in this Wizard Seeds Wind Year, June 27 through July 24, 2022. Download or Listen Here Moon 13 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 13 Handout PRE-ORDER a Printed Calendar for the Wizard Moon Bridges Worlds year! The New Year begins July 26th. […]

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Hands Crafting A Life

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius tonight! Welcoming the journey of this time… Mars is conjunct Chiron (the Wounded Healer Teacher) the next few days. This is a time for embodying and taking action to strongly express our willingness to show up in This moment!! Starting tomorrow, making our way, […]

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Integrative Wizardry

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, All this long weekend, Jupiter & Mars can be seen together low in the east about 45 minutes before sunrise. Their astrological conjunction in Aries energizes expansive embodied action. Allow willingess to abound! ​ The Liberating New Beginning Dragon wave carries us, on Monday, into Moon 12 ~ the Moon of Integration. Dragon’s tail flips us into a […]

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Moon 12 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 12 ~ the Moon of Integration ~ in this Wizard Seeds Wind Year, May 30 through June 26, 2022. Download or Listen Here Moon 12 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 12 Handout ORDER a 2022 Datebook, a colorfully curvaceous Jan–Dec week-at-a-glance companion! A HANDFUL REMAIN You can also ORDER […]

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Starry Ripening Brings Liberating ReBirth

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Well, I’m imagining you’ve noticed a major shift in the vibe​ since Tuesday, when Mercury turned Retrograde in Gemini & Jupiter moved into Aries! More energy for action to be sure, and maybe even some catching up… This Sunday evening, May 15th, Full Moon in Scorpio is Totally Eclipsed, as Venus visits Chiron in Aries, resetting the old wounded […]

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Soaring Liberation

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Eclipse season is upon us! Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, New Moon in Taurus partially eclipses Sun (visible in southern South America). Uranus is very close by. This is a revolutionary reset moment, inviting us to live as more free, sensual, embodied beings, and to carefully consider what we value and consume. You are what […]

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