
Human Form

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow begins Moon 4 ~ the Moon of Form ~ in this year of Wizard Originating. What’s been set in motion the past few weeks now brings something new into form. There’s still another week in the Human wave, so this is a time for newly defining and tangiblizing […]

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Moon 4 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 4 ~ the Moon of Form ~ in this Wizard Originating Year October 18 through November 14, 2019 Download or Listen Here Moon 4 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 4 Handout Purchase a Printed Calendar for this Wizard Originating Year to see the whole story and follow along as […]

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Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This week, our experience of Human freedom is refined as we move in life while embodying three levels: Heaven, Earth and Here in between. What does it mean, at this time, to be Human? It seems to be up to us to learn how to embody and live actual humanness. Much […]

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Move With What’s Moving

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, The Storm wave continues in this Moon of Motion from the rest of this week. Major activations are happening, and things that have been formulating are getting rolling. Move with what’s moving… Mercury moved into Scorpio a few days ago, and will remaining the​re through early December due to the upcoming retrograde […]

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Storm Activated Motion

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today, Storm rolls in. Are you feeling it? I barely slept last night, for no apparent reason, just the crackling energy of awakeness. Over many years, I’ve learned to just let this be rather than stressing about it, which is a lot less tiring! Storm is an activating energy, […]

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Bridging Motion

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Now, we move from the Moon of Relatedness & Challenge to the Moon of Motion (my favorite!). We’re still in the wave of Worldbridger, dying to who we’ve been, residing in the liminal zone, the the threshold between worlds. Meeting both sides, surrendered in humility, ​we become the third thing, joining the Heavens […]

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Moon 3 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion ~ beginning this Wizard Originating Year September 20 through October 17, 2019     Download or Listen Here Moon 3 Podcast     View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 3 Handout     Purchase a Printed Calendar for this Wizard Originating Year to see the […]

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Meeting the Challenge of Freedom

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This has been a week of Moon dancing cheek to cheek with Jupiter, and then, last night & tonight, Saturn. They’re bracketing the Milky Way, one each side. With Jupiter riding Antares, the heart of the Scorpion (Dude, that’s not Mars) and Saturn above the handle of the Teapot (the pulled back arm […]

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Virgo Harvest of Freedom

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We’re in the later days of the Sun wave and ripening this realm of new beginnings that birthed us into some greater experience of freedom in mid-July.  Just a few hours from now comes the New Moon in Virgo, a tight-knit Virgo gathering of Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars! This is as personal as it […]

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