Welcome to Moon 1 ~ the Moon of Purpose ~
in this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year
July 26 through August 22, 2018
Download or Listen Here
Moon 1 New Year Audio Calendar Podcast
This is a longer audio!
View the Moon Spiral while listening:
Moon 1 Handout
Next, listen to this Overview Audio of the entire year!
Purchase a Printed Calendar for this Earth’s Moon Freedom Year to see the whole story and follow along during the overview and podcasts.
I was once on your mailing list to receive continual updates but was somehow dropped or otherwise removed.
I have tried on SEVERAL occasions to ‘sign up’, once again, for the Cosmic Update e-mails and receive neither a confirmation e-mail that I’ve been (re) signed up or any e-mails.
I’m hoping sending this missive will get me back on the list as I really miss hearing/healing from you.
Thank you.
Greetings Leela,
Sorry that happened for you! Sometimes the email services drops folks if a few sends get bounced, but you should be able to get back to active easily.
I looked into my email service backend and it has you down as having complained many times, which it seems like it should not have as each of those times were you signing up for the emails again it looks like. I sent what you wrote to them and asked them to reinstate you!
Hopefully that will work! Stay tuned! And, when it does work, check your promotions folder as sometimes my emails could get put in there.
Stargazer Li,
Congratulations on your new adventure! Way to go!! Thank you for this wonderful podcast!! I feel a soft, flowing within from listening! And excited!
Thanks for the love Connie! Embarking upon a new adventure and era of my life is quite the journey already… May the flow continue for us all. Li