
Eagle Seeing Origins

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Eagle takes wing, lifted into flight upon new reality Aquarian winds. Soaringly flying free, gaining perspective & seeing clearly, gliding the currents in the upper realms of magic, this is living our purpose.  Sunday’s New Moon in Leo rejoices in the play of this living magic.  Tuesday’s Crescent Moon quietly confers a third chakra […]

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Wind-Danced Seeds

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Are you noticing the greater airy lightness of the vibe begun this week of the new year (even with the ongoing challenges of life in these times)?  We’re being invited to meet what unfolds by breathing and communing with spirit, with the unseen. Gone are the​ dense times on concentrated effort. Now, we’re learning to […]

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Wizard Seeds Wind New Year

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Moon, wax-dipped in magic, day by day, culminates in tonight’s 1 degree of Aquarius Full Moon, shining from the revolutionary Jupiter~Saturn conjunction zone of December 2020, that birthed a new 20-year air sign Aquarian living of what’s ours to do and how, our new way and work. Tomorrow (Saturday), begins the 13-day Wind wave […]

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Moon 1 & New Year Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 1 ~ the Moon of Purpose ~ in this Wizard Seeds Wind Year July 26 through August 22, 2021 Download or Listen Here Moon 1 & New Year Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 1 Handout ORDER the Wizard Seeds Wind Year Printed Calendar! A great companion throughout the year […]

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Mooning Freedom

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We continue to journey in the​ magic-initiating Moon wave in this Moon of Freedom. So Moony!! Amidst Waxing Moon’s tidal pulls, we’re feeling our way into home and ancestors and embodiment. What does freedom feel like? Can we experience being at home, and belonging? Sign changingness is happening, with Venus moving into Virgo on Wednesday, and Sun moving […]

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Playful Love Portal of Active Embodiment

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, In freedom, dancing with all-that-is, we enter the realm of magic, lit by Moon, wax-dipped in magic, day by day… Tonight and tomorrow, shortly after sunset in the west, waxing Crescent Moon visits the playful love portal of Venus & Mars conjoining in Leo, conferring a 2nd chakra girdling belt of pleasurable flowingness. Generous […]

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Strongly Loving & Meeting the New Reality

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, We continue to journey in the Warrior wave in the Moon of Freedom as, this week, Venus in Leo opposes Saturn, squares Uranus, and trines Chiron.  Life is inviting strong embodied presence, with great love, maturity, and uniqueness in living and giving our gifts. This is us learning to show up and meet the new reality, […]

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Freedom As Embodied Presence

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow, we enter Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom, as Eagle lifts into flight from Night’s dream world, soaring through the cosmic gate of the year, flying free amidst all-that-is. On Monday, Warrior awakens us into the ripening freedom of embodied presence, moving beyond the known, unafraid. During this 13-day […]

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Moon 13 Audio Calendar Podcast

Welcome to Moon 13 ~ the Moon of Freedom ~ in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm Year June 27 through July 24, 2021 Download or Listen Here Moon 13 Podcast View the Moon Spiral while listening: Moon 13 Handout You can ORDER the Wizard Seeds Wind Year Printed Calendar NOW! Likely shipping in early July… […]

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Change of Direction

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to a week when many layers of beingness & experience are shifting direction!! ~ This morning, Jupiter in Pisces stationed Retrograde.  ~ Tonight’s shortest night of the year brings the Summer Solstice, when Sun’s journey along the horizons shifts from northward to southward. ~ Late Tuesday, Mercury in Gemini goes Direct. ~ And, […]

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